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How to make a scratching post for the cat with his own hands

One of the few problems experienced by cat owners is the fact that these animals must be periodically sharpen their claws. And then in the course is the furniture, wallpaper and other home furnishings. When the cat is not able to sharpen their claws, they too grow and begin to interfere with her walking. In addition, scratches left by the cat - it is also a mark. After all, between the cat's toes on the balls of the feet have special glands secreting a secret with a specific smell, imperceptible to humans. That your cat is healthy and happy, and the apartment has not suffered from its claws, it is necessary to have a special scratching.

Of course, there are other methods of solving problems with a torn cat furniture. For example, some hosts are solved removal claw. But you just imagine how it feels when the poor animal! After all, it will bring your pet a lot of suffering. Special nozzles made of silicone, which is proposed to put on the claws - also not the best solution. They strongly interfere with the cat and can deliver unpleasant sensations. Even claws haircut - this is not a universal solution to the problem. Firstly, it is not so safe. After a thin sosudiki claws are arranged. And the operation itself if performed improperly can be painful. In addition, it is required to carry out regularly. A simple, safe and even happy for your cat scratching posts will exit.

Scratching with their hands

Scratching posts for cats sold in pet stores. Here you will find dozens of the most diverse models of different materials. But to many it may seem that the price is unreasonably high. Especially considering the fact that the scratching post will have to be replaced periodically. Well that scratching posts for cats with their hands - it's not such a difficult task.

Make a scratching post for cats with their own hands

To get started is to determine the order which will be located kittens in your home. From this may depend on its size and design features. Choosing the design and materials, please note that this structure should bear the weight and power of your pet. Here we describe the easiest way to create scratching posts at home. On the basis of these ideas, you can make other models.

So, you will need:

  • Two boards of at least 30 * 30 cm.
  • Plastic pipe with a diameter of 10 - 20 cm
  • Fabric for upholstery or carpet
  • Rope or hemp rope
  • A piece of foam
  • Furniture corners, screws, screwdriver, glue type PVA, nails

Tools for making scratching posts with his own hands

The basis for the future scratching posts will board you selected. The base must be sufficiently stable. The larger your cat, the more plaque area to choose.

Put the floor carpet or upholstery fabric inside out. On top of the fabric, place a board, which serves as the basis for scratching posts. Stand back from the edges of the board about 5 - 7 cm and cut the resulting piece. Speakers at the board edge promazhte glue and press the board. Then to fix the result, fabric nail small nails to the board. It is important that carnation did not go to the front of the scratching posts, and the cat may cut yourself on them.

When the foundation is ready, you can start creating the column. Take the plastic tube and attach it to the upright in the middle of the base with the front side. The preferred use for this purpose furniture corners. Tube length should be at least 50 cm. After you have attached to its base, the entire pipe must wrap hemp rope or rope. Make sure that all the turns tightly against one another and went smoothly.

Winding rope on the scratching post

The rope must be secured with glue. Promazyvat adhesive every second or third coil.

In the upper part of the tube drill hole for fixing the rope. If desired, you can make the upper ledge on scratching. Then your pet will have its own place on the hill, where he would be happy to have a rest. To do this, take the second board. To the top of the stick several layers of foam. After that, upholster cloth board as well as base. The upper part is attached to the scratching post, too, seating area. They then need to hide under the rope coils or foam. At the request of scratching can be supplemented with cat toys - bows, soft balls on a string.

What else are scratching posts

We talked about how to make a scratching post for cats with their own hands the most common design. But there are other options. For example, it is possible to upholster one corner of the carpet in the apartment, which is especially liked your cat. Alternatively, you can make the corner of two boards fastened with seating area. Boards are wound a rope or a cord, and then bonded to each other and securely fastened to the wall. Can be replaced by coil as needed. In this case, the wall itself is practically not affected.

Corner scratching with their hands

An interesting option - portable flat floor scratching posts. This is a simple and versatile design that can be moved around the house.

Its creation required board, rope or rope, glue, dense fabric. Glue the fabric to the board edge of the fabric (5 - 7 cm) tuck on the wrong side, and secure with glue small nails. The fabric should be well glued across the board surface. Then, gluing each turn, wrap the rope or rope board. It is important that all the turns tightly adjacent to each other and are secured with glue.

How to accustom the cat to the scratching post

Cat should immediately accustom to use scratching posts. If you are still very young kitten, you can bring it to the kittens and show accurately spent his foot on the ropes. Do this every time the baby is trying to sharpen claws on your furniture. Adult cat kittens to teach a little more complicated. Command her angry voice, "No!" Whenever she is sharpening its claws there, where there should be. Keep it to scratching and show that sharpen claws here. To do this, gently push the tab to show claws and easily drag them across the kittens.

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