Incredible facts from the life of cats

Cats - amazing creatures, explore amazing facts related to pets:
- Cat, who has lived in the world for nine years, spent on a dream no less than two thirds of the total life time. It is so much time spent on cats sleep during the day.
- Cats do not like sweet, unlike dogs and humans. This is due to evolutionary changes in some of the taste buds.
- a female prefer to dig right paw and males, on the contrary, left.
- A cat can easily climb a tree. However, the return trip will take her some problems, because the cat's claws are arranged so that the head will not be able to descend down, just backing away.
- Any cat can recite at least a hundred different sounds.
With the structure of the brain in terms of cats could be our relatives. We have a similar area of ??the body responsible for the same action.
- Today there are about five hundred million representatives of domestic cats. At the same rock - forties.
- The oldest remains of a domestic cat was found in a grave on the island of Cyprus. Their age has nine thousand five hundred years.
- Plague wiped out a huge number of the population of Europe in the early Middle Ages, it was provoked by the actions of the Inquisition. The church at that time considered accomplices of the devil cats and encouraged them to murder. Many thousands of animals were killed, allowing the rats breed - the natural carriers of the virus plague.
- The first cat-astronaut was sent into orbit in 1963. The animal was born in France and survived the flight safely.
- Maximum speed, developed a cat on a short distance of fifty kilometers per hour.
- Domestic cat can make a jump to a height greater than its own growth five times.
- Domestic cats rub against their masters, not only to express tender feelings, and to mark territory odor, located around the muzzle, tail and paws glands.
- To date it is not clear how the cat emits purring sounds.
- In ancient Egypt the dead cat was mourned as a family member was the embalming procedure and were buried in a special cemetery.
- At the end of the nineteenth century, no less than three hundred thousand domestic cat mummies have been found in Egypt.
- The most numerous officially registered domestic cat litter of kittens was nineteen, fifteen of which have survived.
- In ancient Egypt, cats stealing is punishable by death.
- The biggest wild cat is by far the Amur tiger. its body length may exceed three and a half meters and a weight of three hundred kilograms.
- The smallest member of the family cat is a cat Blackfoot. Females can weigh about a kilogram and reach a length of fifty centimeters.
- In England and Australia's famous luck of meeting a black cat is treated on the contrary - an event that promises good luck.
- Some representatives of the Siamese cats have a congenital squint because of the special structure of the optic nerves.
- Wool breed Turetskiy Van cat - waterproof.
The most expensive cat in the world is an animal that was cloned by request of the owner of biological material dead pet. This operation cost the owner of fifty thousand dollars.
- On the face feline has twenty-four whiskers, twelve on each half.
- The cat's vision is very different from the human. In the darkness favorites see much better than humans, but it does not distinguish many colors that a person is able to see.
- The most famous literary cat - Cheshire Cat from "Alice in Wonderland."
- Cat's jaw can not move from side to side. That is why the cat can not chew too large pieces.
- When communicating with each other cats do not meow - this sound is for people.
- In the spinal division of the cat there are fifty-three spinal vertebrae. For comparison, a human - thirty-four.
- One-third of the owners of domestic cats seriously believe that their pets are able to read the thoughts.
- All cats claws can be retracted inside the legs, with the exception of the cheetah, whose claws are always outside.
- The vast number of cat breeds a hundred years ago were shorthair until breeding-boom.
- Domestic cats can rotate their ears a hundred and eighty degrees, it is possible thanks to the thirty special muscles.
- Little kittens sleep much because the cat's growth hormone is released only during sleep.
- Per square centimeter of the cat's body for not less than twenty thousand hair.
- Tower was built in Scotland in honor Tauzera - cat catcher for his life thirty thousand mice.
- In North and South America domestic cats appeared together with immigrants from Europe.
- First cat show was held in London in 1871.
- The cat's skeleton consists of two hundred and thirty bones. In this case the cat is no collarbone, which allows them to penetrate any hole size of his own head.
- The frequency of heart cats exceeds that of the human body is almost two times.
- Cats sweat through the skin to the surface of the paw, it was there that focus almost all of their sweat glands.
- For seven years, one cat couple together with the descendants of the cat family will join four hundred twenty thousand kittens.
- Cats have claws on the front legs much sharper claws on its hind legs.