The disease is transmitted from cat to human

Many people are thinking about how to make fluffy pet wonder: what diseases can be transmitted from cats?
To date, medicine knows a certain number of diseases, but in the home actually catch only a few. This list is not too large, and the preventive measures rather simple.
However require careful compliance. Otherwise, the happiness of communicating with the cat may be overshadowed by the forced treatment. Transmission of disease from a cat to a man carried a variety of ways. This is primarily through direct contact - or stroking ingress of saliva. Fungus and certain types of bacteria can spread by air through the particles wool, leather, various isolation. Parasites that live outside, can get to the person, breaking a short distance. Worms can enter the body if forget to wash your hands after cleaning tray or close contact with the pet.
Basically fungi are located on the upper layer of the skin, causing so-called ringworm. By kinds of infectious fungi include Trichophyton, Microsporum, and other species, affecting the skin and hair follicles. In most cases, even got on the human body fungus is suppressed by the immune system, but there is a risk category. It includes young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems and chronic illnesses. Fungi do not cause significant harm to the body, causing mostly local reaction inconvenience, but the healing process can take quite a long period of time.
Basically viruses specialize in a particular type of animal, so that the most viral feline diseases should not be afraid, it is impossible to catch them.
But there is one virus is equally dangerous to all mammals. It's infuriating, the disease is almost one hundred percent mortality rate, if time does not help. Transmitted through a scratch, bite, saliva. The only effective preventive measure is vaccination. If you suspect a cat rabies, immediately isolate it, call the veterinary experts and if the diagnosis is confirmed, it will have to undergo a course of treatment.
After talking with a cat in your body can get millions of bacteria. However, most of them do not pose a risk, especially if your health is not undermined.
The most common bacterial disease that can be transmitted from cat to human, are salmonellosis, tularemia, Bartonella.
Salmonellosis is the cause intoxication, acute abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, fever. If timely assistance provided the prognosis of the disease is favorable.
Tularemia occurs in various forms: generalized, bubonic, pneumonic. Symptomatology is expressed in severe headache, fever, joint pain, lower back, and back, heavy sweating, dizziness, diarrhea. If this disease is not treated, its mortality rate is 20% of the cases, the treatment prognosis.
Bartonella can manifest a variety of symptoms such intoxication, inflammation in the lymph nodes, fever, loss of interest in food, gastrointestinal upset, skin rashes, cough. Symptoms vary depending on which body is struck. When properly rendered medical aid disease is not dangerous.
For diseases caused by protozoa organisms and dangerous for humans include toxoplasmosis and giardiasis. However, most people have a mistaken judgment on the fact that these diseases can not seriously harm humans.
The main negative aspect of infection diseases such is the gradual undermining of the immune system, by poisoning the body waste products of these organisms. Very unfavorable this disease during pregnancy, it can lead to violations of fetal development and even miscarriages.
The most common and unpleasant parasites are passed from cat to man are worms or helminths. There are many varieties of these creatures. They poison the body, destroying the mucous membranes, can cause anemia and intestinal damage. Also, a certain danger is posed by the parasites that live on a cat: fleas and ticks. By themselves, their bites are not dangerous, but these insects are often carriers of dangerous diseases, including those leading to death.
Knowing what diseases can be transmitted from cats is not necessary to break with these beautiful creatures have whatever relationship. Compliance with the elementary rules of hygiene and careful care of the darling reduce the likelihood of contamination to almost zero. Do not forget to wash your hands, vaccinate animals and carefully inspect it after walks. Come preventative veterinary examinations, spend anthelmintic treatment, properly feed your cat, and you never touched by this problem.