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How to help the cat in case of poisoning

Poisoning in cats - a painful condition that requires an immediate response from the owner. The nature of the furry pets are real fussy. They will not be dragged into the mouth horrible. However, every every rule there are exceptions. In order not to be excluded proizoshlf tragediz animal exposure to potentially hazardous substances and objects, and in the case of poisoning immediately see a specialist.

 The causes of poisoning

Today, treatment involves poisoning the maximum reduction of negative consequences for the organism, arising as a result of intoxication. Do not leave without attention to the disease state pet, thinking that all by itself will take place. It's one thing if the cat ate the stale meat, and suddenly she was caught rat poison or something worse? Such poisoning can easily lead to death of the animal.

First and foremost, you must stop the intake of toxic substances and try to delete the already received. After first aid once it is strongly recommended to carry the animal to the hospital, even if you think that everything went and the cat feels good.

Most often poisoned pet cats is due to the fact that the pet ingests any harmful substance inadvertently owners. This may be household chemicals, cosmetics, medicaments and other substances. What happens is that an animal eats a poisonous plant to be home for aesthetic purposes. Cases of the use of expired products. In this case, the symptoms of poisoning will vary depending on what it is called.

Poisoning in cats symptoms and treatment

symptoms of poisoning

When used medications animal becomes drowsy, sluggish, although it may be, conversely, overly excited. It expressed weakness, uncertain gait, extended or pupillary constriction, vomiting. In this case one tablet to give an animal charcoal, diluted in water.

If the animal chewed the poisonous plant that appears irregular heart activity, diarrhea, vomiting, constriction or dilation of the pupils, decreased body temperature, rapid pulse. With this poisoning is necessary to wash out the stomach two percent solution of potassium permanganate, give tablespoon enterosgelya.

Poisoning by acid or alkali is characterized by edema of the larynx, increased salivation, diarrhea with blood, labored breathing. Animal can help prevent soda solution in large amounts. In any case, do not induce vomiting.

Poisoning expired or substandard products can cause vomiting, diarrhea, paleness of mucous, general weakness, pain in the abdomen. With this poisoning is necessary to try to induce vomiting and give the animal activated charcoal and spoon enterosgelya.

In the case where poisonous substance enters the animal's coat should be thoroughly rinsed with water affected area with the use of conventional soap after coating all around the affected area with oil.

Remember that if the poisoning caused the disorder of the central nervous system (shortness of breath, paralysis, seizures), do not try to induce vomiting in an animal, it can drown.

If an animal is poisoned with poisonous gas, it must be transported immediately to a veterinarian. It is necessary to follow the breath pet. At its termination is mechanical ventilation through an animal's nose with a frequency of about fifteen breaths per minute.

 How to make it easier for the veterinarian

After first aid, do not hesitate to head to the nearest veterinary clinic. Try to take a sample of the substance that poisoned the cat (of course, if it can be done without endangering their health and that of others). If you do not know what caused the disease state, then no harm will be to take a small sample of the vomit, described the doctor all symptoms are deteriorating condition of the animal, the order in which manifested negative consequences. It is advisable to tell your doctor what medications the cat has allergies, whether a cat is sick at the moment, there are chronic diseases.

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