How to cure inflammation of the third eyelid in cats
Third eyelid, or as it is called in the scientific community - the conjunctiva, is nothing more than the subtlest mucous membrane that covers the entire surface of the eye and the inner side of the century. In cats, this body has a folded structure and is located near the inner corner of the eye.
So for some in the cat's body is present purposes this slimy? What the owner can report the change of its color, size or texture?
This body plays a very important role for the normal functioning of the cat. With eyes open third eyelid unnoticed. However, it should only pet blink, or tilt your head down as the conjunctiva, smooth and covers the entire surface of the eye. Its effect is somewhat similar to the action of car wipers scraping the eyeball and distribute tears over its entire surface. Besides, the liquid sloznaya almost a third is produced from the third century.
Loss of the third century
If you notice your pet in the third eyelid at the time of waking animal, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian. The fact is that as soon as the conjunctiva grows in size, it can not cope with the tasks assigned to it by the body protection and moisturizing eye functions.
In fact, the case as such loss of the third century, is not a disease. This phenomenon - a symptom of a large number of other pathologies: konyunkitvity, fungus infection, infections, viruses, eye injury, exposure to irritants, allergies, etc.
In order to eliminate the inflammation of the third eyelid in cats treatment will need to diseases caused by this symptom.
The sooner treatment is made to the expert, the Bole-effective and high-quality diagnosis and will, as a consequence, treatment.
Adenoma of the third century.
Adenoma is not nothing but a benign tumor is no longer a bean. In this case, the formation may eventually increase in size, bulging out of the century. It has a pink-red color. Its causes are very extensive. This disease can develop on the background of hormonal disorders, eye injury, a variety of infections.
It has been observed that some breeds of cats suffer from BPH third century much more. This primarily Persian, Exotic and British. In this disease, the poor animal can not completely close the eye, in consequence of which increases the likelihood of developing infections and injuries. Almost always at such disease inflamed third eyelid from eye begin to appear copious purulent discharge, often the temperature rises. In the most advanced cases, the animal began to refuse food and behaves very aggressively.
Treatment of the third century adenoma is possible only surgically, ie by removing education. After the operation is usually assigned to maintain a healthy condition of the animal therapy.
Sometimes the disease is necessary to conduct a complete removal of the conjunctiva.
However, before you decide on such a move, please consult different clinics as well as the impact on animal health will not be very bright.
This disease of the third century is very often confused with his loss. However, in this case, the conjunctiva looks quite normal. Smooth shell or bluish gray color covers the ocular surface even in the period of wakefulness animal. Like the loss of the third century prolapse is not an independent disease, but a symptom of various diseases. To remove it is necessary to determine the root cause and eliminate it after prolapse disappear.
In any case, if you notice problems with the eyes of your pet should not engage in self-care and acquire eye drops without consulting a specialist. Sometimes drugs are sold in pharmacies zoological can temporarily relieve pain but do not eliminate the cause. After this course the doctor will still have to go, and valuable time can be lost.