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Laktobifadola - medication for cats

Calling four-legged pets - to bring joy to people. Sometimes our pets have health problems. In order to grow your cat healthy and fun it is recommended to observe certain rules of supply. Cats need a balanced feeding, as well as the administration of drugs that contribute to improvement of the stomach and intestines and the normalization of microflora.

One of preparations intended to create a favorable intestinal microflora is laktobifadola for koshek.V it consists of living bifidobacteria and acidophilus, dried sorption method using natural plant carrier - flour.

The structure also includes the necessary laktobifadola animal organism amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and prebiotic ingredients.

Externally, the drug is a homogeneous friable mass of white to brown. This drug may be used in conjunction with antibiotics. Contraindications of the drug is not available. Use of the drug should not be combined with hot food, because it contained live bacteria.

pharmachologic effect

This drug is applicable to cats of all ages. Let's understand with what it has pharmacological properties:

  1. restores normal microflora after use of antibiotics, anthelmintic drugs, hormones and other drugs;
  2. colonizes the intestinal tract normal microflora, prevents the growth of different kinds of bacteria;
  3. used as a prevention of bacterial and fungal infections;
  4. increases immunity and resistance to disease;
  5. It improves digestion, liver condition and metabolism;
  6. It provides the body with nutrients, vitamins and enzymes;
  7. to optimize metabolism in pregnant cats and good development of the fruit;
  8. positive effect on the exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  9. It protects against harmful substances which are formed in the body, as well as chemical environmental pollution.

Laktobifadola medication for cats


It applies the drug:

  1. in the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis, diarrhea, as well as to improve digestion;
  2. during pregnancy to produce a healthy offspring, kittens in the first month of life, as well as individuals older than 5 years as a preventive measure;
  3. with gastric pathology, intestine, liver, pancreas and kidneys;
  4. to improve metabolism, immune system, skin and hair, in preparation for the exhibition;
  5. in some forms of dermatitis;
  6. prevention of bacterial complications of viral diseases;
  7. after anthelmintic drugs, antibiotics, antitumor, antihistamine, hormone and other pharmaceuticals.

Additional Information

Lactobacilli contained in this preparation are the predominant type of bacteria in cats, which are easy to colonize the intestine, thereby providing a positive trend. Bifidus bacteria do not survive in the body of the cat, as it is not peculiar to it, but a positive effect on metabolism.

If there is significant damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract, it must be quite a long time (2-3 months or more) to use the drug.

In the early days of sometimes changing nature of the stool, bowel functioning later comes back to normal, reduces flatulence, increased appetite, stabilize your metabolism.


The drug is administered with food, milk or boiled water once or twice a day to 0.2 g per 1 kg of animal body weight. Teaspoonful weighs 9 g

The duration of treatment is determined by the degree of achieving the desired result. In order to prevent the drug being within two weeks.


Special contraindications to the drug has not been identified. It should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components in the composition of medicines.

Storage conditions

Store this medication in the package, at a temperature from 0 to 25 ° C, protected against direct sunlight in dry reach of children. It is not necessary to store it with food. Shelf-life of the drug is 1 year from the date of manufacture, if all the storage conditions are met.

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