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Treatment of toxoplasmosis in cats

Many fans of felines note that their pets sometimes slightly unwell for unknown reasons. At the pet may experience short-lived diarrhea, watery eyes, it is also possible the emergence of a certain laxity in behavior. But these symptoms pass quickly, and the owners no longer worried. Perhaps fluffy darling ate something wrong or blown in a draft. However, for such a pet's behavior is necessary to take particular care, because of toxoplasmosis in cats can sometimes manifest itself precisely such symptoms. Toxoplasmosis - a parasitic infection that is very common, it can be infected not only cats but also other species of mammals, and even people.

 Causes and symptoms

The causative agent of toxoplasmosis - Toxoplasma gondii - the smallest intracellular parasite from the realm of protozoa. Despite its small size, this parasite causes great harm to the carrier of infection. Different biological stage of development Toxoplasma require different carriers. The final carrier of this infection are cats, but the intermediate hosts of the dog can be, large and small animals, birds and even people. The period of Toxoplasma is quite large and consists of several stages:

  1. Toxoplasma initially propagate in the intermediate host and are distributed by the blood flow to internal organs and tissues are formed cysts;
  2. cysts enter the body through contaminated cat meat animals;
  3. further Toxoplasma multiply in the cells of the small intestine, bone marrow, spleen cats;
  4. further cysts are formed and excreted in the feces of cats in the environment;
  5. Further parasite enters the body of the intermediate host.

The result is a closed chain.

 During the multiplication of Toxoplasma destroyed cells and tissues. As a result, there can be serious complications and disease (paralysis, mental disorder, and death). Therefore it is very important to notice the appearance of the disease in your pet.

Notice the manifestation of toxoplasmosis is difficult, as it can have a latent form. The easiest way to diagnose acute toxoplasmosis form, since it forms a reduced inherent immunity, weakness, in the event that intervention is required veterinarian. They may appear as diarrhea, vomiting, suppuration of eyes, difficulty breathing, convulsions, paresis and paralysis. This state of the cat is especially dangerous because the cysts are distinguished not only with faeces, but also with the saliva and pus. For pregnant cats Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous because it can cause the fetus pathology and congenital malformations. Very often there are miscarriages.

Treatment of toxoplasmosis in cats


Immunity healthy cat could easily cope with toxoplasmosis own. The disease occurs at the same time in a latent form, virtually asymptomatic, however, the cat here is contagious. Subacute form of the disease can be expressed by a slight increase in the lymph nodes, lungs eating disorders, runny nose and eyes. Soon, all the symptoms disappear. The body can create barriers for cell reproduction protozoa Toxoplasma thereby cease to grow. In this condition, the cat can live a life without deterioration of health.

 However, the acute form of the disease can not be determined with 100% certainty. Toxoplasmosis is very insidious and it is very easy to confuse with other diseases (panleukopenia, coronavirus, salmonellosis, stroke, epilepsy). For the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis requires an analysis of feces for the presence of cysts and blood antibody test.

A comprehensive treatment of toxoplasmosis in cats and symptomatic therapy. Treatment can last for several months. Use special drugs (himkoktsid, dalatsin) and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating paralysis, seizures, bowel disorders and other symptoms. Fully recover from toxoplasmosis impossible. The disease becomes chronic inactive phase and lasts a lifetime.


To protect your pet from Toxoplasma you must observe the following rules:

  • Do not feed your pet raw or undercooked meat;
  • You should promptly clean up feces from the litter box;
  • It is necessary to observe cleanliness in the house;
  • Do not allow uncontrolled riding animals and their contact with stray cats.

Infection with Toxoplasma may be repeated many times and to cause acute course of disease.

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