Colds are a cat

Not only are people prone to various infections and viruses. Unfortunately, pets are also susceptible to diseases. The problem for owners is a lack of understanding of the causes and nature of the pet's disease. Therefore, many of them any discomfort animal explain the common cold, considering that it is not dangerous and will pass by itself. Although she is not fatal for a cat, but still carries a major risk.
The causes of colds in cats
As a rule, representatives of colds felines rarely suffer due to the fact that their immune system copes with any virus attack. Nevertheless, there are some situations in which pet immunity is weakened and loses its protective properties. These include:
- poor nutrition - lack of vitamins in the body, the monotony of the diet or substandard products;
- conditions of detention - drafts and dampness in the room sometimes even provoke the development of pneumonia in the cat;
- hypothermia - wet cat peremerzaet seconds due to a violation of thermoregulation, so you should carefully dry the hair after a bath and make sure that the pet is having the opportunity to go out, not exposed to rain;
- temperature changes - sharp temperature jumps adversely affect the well-being of the pet, therefore, optimum temperature conditions for the cat is considered 19 ° C in summer and 23 ° C in winter. If a favorite for a long time became a permanent sit near heating appliances, do not ignore it, and do the best couch terry towel or small blanket for him;
- hidden illness - any illness, flowing seamlessly for the hosts, depletes the immune system of the animal, making it vulnerable to colds.
Can a person get a cold cat? This is a matter of much debate, but there is no clear answer. Most veterinarians believe that human SARS is not dangerous for the animal, if we exclude the cases provoked by bacteria, fungi or moisture.
Symptoms of colds in cats
It should be very careful about any changes in the pet's condition. The symptoms of cat colds are similar to human but an animal that they may reveal about other diseases that carry a significant risk to health.
- Weakness. If the cat can not even stand on the feet - this is a serious reason to get worried and rush to the doctor. With a cold pet is experiencing discomfort in the form of simple fatigue.
- Snot. This is a necessary process in which the body are derived from dead leukocytes. At these moments, the cat is experiencing difficulty breathing and may occasionally slightly open mouth.
Important! If the cat is breathing only the mouth and nasal secretions become purulent and not transparent, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist. This is not the common cold symptoms.
- Cough. Sneezing and coughing helps to clear the airways. In this case, the cat continues to look after themselves and to wash. If the muzzle is dirty, and the fur on her stick together, this indicates a progressive disease.
- Tears. Due to irritation of the mucous membranes can sometimes stand tears. Quite rare, but still may be accompanied by redness of the eyelids.
- Lack of appetite. Colds are a cat can deprive him of his appetite, even for a few days. It is not necessary force to compel the animal to eat, better just put it low-fat broth. If the pet does not eat more than half a day, then consult a doctor.
- Temperature increase. Cats have no fixed normal body temperature. Typically, bald cats and coated wool is equally varied from 37.5 ° C to 39 ° C. If, however, this figure has risen above the mark of 40 ° C, the owner should be worried.
Any of these symptoms, especially their combination, it requires attention and monitor the status of the animal. Do not neglect a visit to the vet, because it is better once again bring their cat to a hospital than a long and painful to treat advanced disease.
colds in cats Treatment
In the mild form of the disease can be cured pet alone at home. Treatment should be aimed not only at improving the state by eliminating the symptoms, but also to prevent further development of the infection.
With a cold owner must first ensure that the cat at rest, put it in a dry and ventilated area, animal shelter or put near a heater if necessary. You also need to put a bowl of warm milk and try to make from time to pet massage (or at least a stroke) to improve blood flow. If during the day no change in the condition is not observed, it can be connected to the treatment medication, but only on doctor's advice.
Important! When you see a cat purulent discharge ties ears need to sound the alarm and take him to the clinic. This may be an indication of pulmonary distemper, which in most cases leads to death.
possible complications
Almost always delayed aid and ignore the initial symptoms of the disease leads to pneumonia, the problems of the genitourinary system, bronchitis, and other complications. After all, the cat's weakened immune system is unable to protect the body. Then even a simple dust, brought from outside the host, can cause dangerous and serious disease. It is important to remember that the symptoms of colds sometimes hide more dangerous diseases, often leading to death (mycoplasmosis, kaltsiviroz, rhinotracheitis, infectious peritonitis, etc.). Therefore, it is not necessary to shelve a visit to the doctor or to hope that the pet itself to cope with the disease. Untimely appeal to the vet, an independent diagnosis of disease and treatment of persistent irregular means can lead to irreparable consequences.