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Breeds of cats

Ural Rex

Content0.1 1 Exterior features2 Character and habits3 Care Ural Rex - a native Russian breed of cats, which the researchers attributed to a group of rare breeds. The first mention of this animal with a curly shorstkoy appear in the pre-war and wartime. After World War II the number of…

Breeds of cats

Japanese Bobtail

Content0.1 1 The nature of the breed2 Appearance Japanese Bobtail3 Care Japanese Bobtail Japanese Bobtail cat breed known in the Far East since ancient times. Their distribution has reached the Japanese islands, and only from there in 1968, these charming creatures came to America. The name…

Breeds of cats

Javanese Cat

Content0.1 1 Appearance2 Character3 Care and Health4 Price Javanese Cat - one of the cat breeds. This cat is considered to be an English aristocrat. We started breeding this breed in the seventies of the twentieth century. However, that in the birthplace of this breed is still not known. Some say…