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Health of cats

Why the cat refuses to eat

Content1 change of diet2 fasting day3 Thermoregulation4 Sexual attraction5 Stress6 Malaise7 Pregnancy8 What to do Good appetite - an important indicator of good health of your pet. However, if the cat is not there - it's not a reason to sound the alarm. Sometimes this behavior is not talking about…

Health of cats

Why hair falls in domestic cats

Content1 Main causes wool loss2 Seasonal molt3 Hormonal disorders4 immunocompromised5 Skin parasites6 Allergy7 Treatment of hair loss in cats8 Loss of hair is not a reason for separation The main causes of hair loss Experts believe that the periodic shedding of hair for animals with wool cover…

Health of cats

Why do cats exfoliate nails

Content1 Height claws2 Why cats claws3 main reasons bundle4 How to deal with it In order to effectively deal with the bundle of the cat's claws, you must understand the reason why this is happening. First of all you must understand that when your cat's nails exfoliate, it is most likely a normal…

Health of cats

Deksafort drug for cats

Like other pets, cats are not immune to the disease. In such cases often have to resort to help of medications. If you have any cats in the body of any inflammation, veterinarians often prescribe a medicine to treat this as a Deksafort. It is used not only for cats, but also for a lot of other…

Health of cats

The drug Tylosin for cats

Unfortunately, our four-legged friends occasionally unwell. Of particular difficulty is not self treatment, and diagnosis of disease. Since cat does not describe to you the cause of his ailment and the symptoms themselves can be very difficult to recognize. Therefore, if your fluffy darling ill,…

Health of cats

Colds are a cat

Content1 The causes of colds in cats2 Symptoms of colds in cats3 Treatment of colds in cats4 Possible complications Not only are people prone to various infections and viruses. Unfortunately, pets are also susceptible to diseases. The problem for owners is a lack of understanding of the causes and…

Health of cats

Cancer in cats: diagnosis and treatment

Content1 What is cancer?2 Is Contagious cancer in cats?3 Factors provoking disease.4 Symptoms and variations of the disease.5 Treatment and Diagnosis Oncology is a disease that affects cats much less frequently than dogs. However, almost all the education in the cat's body cancerous. Cancer in a…