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Articles about cats

The relationship between children and cats

If your child has not asked you to have a kitten, it means only one thing - soon he will ask you about it. Children really want to have your little furry pet, play and tinker with it. But sometimes it happens that the relationship of the kid and pet fold is not always successful. It happens that…

Articles about cats

Why does a cat marking its front paws

Content1  from childhood2  Bed chores3  Sweet Life4  own feelings5  Feline therapy Sometimes some aspects of feline behavior seem a man quite strange. For example, the situation when the cat is marking its front paws, as if making a massage to the owner, still has no…

Articles about cats

Why do cats meow

Many owners of furry pets often annoying constant meowing their favorites. However, few people think about what has caused the cat's meow. Currently, through the observation of cats found that they are able to issue more than thirty different variations of sounds. In this case, each animal there is…

Articles about cats

Why the cat smell from the mouth

When the content of cats is important to know that sometimes have to deal with health problems, one of which is bad breath. Scientifically it is called halitosis. If the breath in cats is very strong, it is likely that any medical problem. Do not worry, because all fixable. Bad odor can be caused…

Articles about cats

The consequences of the cat bite

We all know that domestic cats are creatures that have natural beauty and charm. But too often we forget that our furry pets especially animals, with predators. Nature endowed them a means of defense and attack - tooth and nail. Even the most friendly cat, who lived in your home for several years,…

Articles about cats

The process of habituation to the tray kitten

Many kittens sellers during intercourse say that their animals are already accustomed to the tray. However, in practice this is not always the case. After the baby comes into your home, he again and again with their physical needs in the wrong place. In order to understand how to train a kitten to…

Articles about cats

The origin of the domestic cat

Content1 Origin2 Spread over the world3 Current state4 General characteristics Origin Domestic cats are mammals that are, to an extensive felines. Experts suggest that modern domestic cats are descended from the wild Libyan (steppe) cat habitat that come to the territory of the whole of Asia and…