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Breeds of cats


Content1 Provenance1.1 2   Exterior features3   Character and habits4   Care5   Health Provenance This breed of cat has come to us from antiquity. Judging by the images of these animals survived for three thousand years, their appearance has not…

Breeds of cats

Exotic shorthair

Content1 Provenance1.1 2 Description3 Character4 Care5 cost Exotic shorthair, or so-called "cat Snoopy" - breed shorthair cats, whose closest relative - the Persian cat. These animals are similar not only in appearance, but also gentle, cheerful and faithful disposition. The main difference…

Breeds of cats

European Shorthair

Breed European Shorthair is the most common among street cats. European cats are very rare exhibitors, as they are not very popular. Despite this, they are very smart, good and hardy. The first cat, who took part in the exhibition, was the cat named Vastl von der Kolyung from Berlin in…

Breeds of cats


Content0.1 1 Description of species2 Character and care3 Interesting facts Havana home to breed cats is considered to Siam (now Thailand). Together with the Siamese and Orientals, these cats were brought to England in the 19th century. But Siam was lucky much more than the other two species - they…

Breeds of cats

Himalayan cat

Content1 Description of species1.1 2  How to choose a kitten3  Care and Health Description of species Its history, this breed dates back to the forties of the twentieth century, it was then in the United States by crossing the cats Persian and Siamese breed was obtained offspring with…

Breeds of cats

What breeds of cats the most affectionate

Content1 Why is this happening2 Siamese3 Burmese4 Abyssinian5 Sphinxes6 Kornishn and Devon Rex To answer the question about what cats most affectionate breed is not so simple. The fact that the relationship between the cat and the owner are very different in each case. For someone siamese…

Breeds of cats

How and what to feed young kittens

So, in your house appeared fluffy ball. First of all, you as the owner must provide the child proper nutrition. But you need to decide on the type of food, which will have to adhere to. For proper nutrition kitten fit as finished food and natural products. If you purchased an animal from a breeder,…