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Breeds of cats

Selkirk Rex

Content1 The history of the breed2 Exterior features2.1 3 Character and behaviors4 Care5 Health The history of occurrence of breed The history of the emergence of this remarkable breed is very unusual. Its beginning was from the moment when the United States ordinary stray cat was crossed with…

Breeds of cats


Content1 History of the breed1.1 Serengeti cat photo2 Exterior Features Serengeti3 Character4 Care Serengeti cat breed was created specifically to get a pet with the appearance of an African serval. However, in the breeding of this breed wild serval themselves have not been used. History of…

Breeds of cats


Content0.1 1 Intelligence2 Character3 Care Significantly the origins breed Chartreux nobody knows. According to one legend, these pets were beaten imported from Syria during the Crusades. Its name to this ancient breed is obliged first monastic monastery Grande Chartreuse. Another property of the…

Breeds of cats

Siamese cat

Content1 History of the Siamese1.1 2 Description of species3 The independent nature of Siamese4 Features of the care and upbringing5 Fun Facts Stubborn and obstinate, independent, with a very distinctive color and incredibly beautiful bright blue eyes, the representatives of this breed of cats has…

Breeds of cats


Content0.1 1 Provenance2 Description3 Character4 Care5 cost Siberian cat breed belongs to the long-haired. This is the first breed developed by Russian breeders who are recognized abroad. In Egypt, the cat was considered sacred and worshiped it, and by all means protected her. Siberian cats - a…

Breeds of cats

Singapura cat

Content1 History2 Description of species3 Character4 Care5 cost Singapura cat or Singapore - an unusual breed of cats, natural oriental origin. However, it is formed through the efforts of American breeders. The distinctive features of Singapore - an unusual look and amazing character. This…

Breeds of cats

Scottish Fold

Content0.1 1 Kinds of colors2 Description3 Character4 Care5 Meals6 Dilution7 Diseases8 cost Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold - a short-haired breed of cat with a characteristic structure of the ears, which are slightly bent down. This unusual structure of the ears is a result of genetic mutation.…