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Health of cats

Ivermek - medication for cats

Even when the cat is practically beyond the apartment, it is possible that it can pick up parasites. The food picked up from the ground, puddle of rainwater, the neighborhood cats and rodents can become your pet potential carriers of infection. Even the shoes standing in the hallway, is a major…

Health of cats

What vitamins to give cats

Content1 Nutrition and Vitamins2 Side effects3 Release Form4 Special Vitamins Increasingly, doctors are veterinarians diagnosed in pets beriberi. Unfortunately, the lack of vitamins in the body pet can lead to undesirable consequences. Weakened immune system that falls wool, disturbances in the…

Health of cats

What is the treatment of cystitis in cats

Content1  Symptoms2  form of the disease3  Causes of disease4 Treatment5  The conditions of cystitis Cystitis in cats - it is unpleasant, prone to recurrence of the disease, which is quite difficult to cure. It brings a lot of problems as the animals themselves,…

Health of cats

How to help the cat in case of poisoning

Poisoning in cats - a painful condition that requires an immediate response from the owner. The nature of the furry pets are real fussy. They will not be dragged into the mouth horrible. However, every every rule there are exceptions. In order not to be excluded proizoshlf tragediz animal exposure…

Health of cats

How to choose a cat Furminators

Content1  What is2       How it works3      Selecting a suitable device4       Recommendations for use  Wool throughout the house - the problem is not hearsay known to any owner of our brethren. It gets absolutely everywhere, in clothing,…

Health of cats

Katozal - medication for cats

Katozal drug used in the veterinary treatment of complex metabolic disorders in cats. Katozal referred to as mineral-vitamin drugs. Katozal includes butafosfana, cyanocobalamin, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, auxiliaries. Included with the drug is well water for injection. Katozal - a sterile solution…