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Milbemaks - medication for cats

Health of cats

Content1   Description2   Pharmacology preparation3   Indications and method of use4   Side effects and contraindications5   Cautions Due to his home a furry pet so eager to diversify his diet of fresh raw piece of meat or fish. A favorite of then long will express my gratitude growling and purring. However, with animals eating unprocessed foods there is a risk to put on the body of worms. Most often, the disease has no symptoms, but in the case of organ damage, which are essential, symptoms may occur. Moreover, infected cats are carriers of parasites. Therefore, veterinarians recommend periodic deworming animals. Just for this purpose to use the drug Milbemaks for cats.   Description Milbemaks is anthelmintic drug using…

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Cats and Allergies

Articles about cats

Content1 Fun Facts2 What caused allergic to cats3 How to reduce the level of allergens4  What kind of cat to choose Many potential owners of furry pets, due to the nature of their health, wonder - whether hypoallergenic cats there are and what species can be classified as such? The prefix "hypo" translated from Latin means - is weak. Thus, "hypoallergenic" term refers breed cats which organism produces less allergens than cats organism other breeds. In this case, at the moment it is not clear how to measure the level of cat allergens, since there is no officially approved method by which it could be done. Thus, the term "hypoallergenic cat" is mainly used by breeders of pets, in order to attract the target group of potential owners who are allergic to these animals. It is…

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Nibelung cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 Origin2 Description3 Character4 Care Nibelungen - breed long-haired blue cats with solid color. These cats are somewhat similar to the Russian blue breed. From the German name "Nibelung" is translated as "mist creation." This name can be very useful it is suitable for cats with silky hair, sparkling green eyes and gentle nature. Origin In the 80s of the last century in Denver domestic cat with black short hair named Elsa met the neighbor's cat, which was very similar to the Russian blue. Then they were born six kittens - five kittens black and blue color with short hair and one kitten with a solid blue color, silky hair, graceful limbs and a physique like a Russian Blue breed. A resident of Denver Cora Cobb took myself this Fluffy and called him Siegfried (the name of the…

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Is it possible to tame a wild cat

Articles about cats

Content1 First Steps2 Taming3 Tips and Tricks4 Is it possible to teach the animal to the hands Many people feel a sense of compassion for homeless animals, including cats. Often these street tramps bring home. After the first kormozhki and attempts to wash the animal from the mire of the streets in front of the nouveau master raises the question: how to tame a wild cat? After all spent out time human habitation, often causes an animal to survive refer to their animal instincts. This cat is very quickly running wild. First steps The first thing you should look to latter-day pet. If the animal has recently appeared in the street, it will join in a homely atmosphere quite quickly and without any problems. However, if the animal is held in the streets for a long time, or even born in the…

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Treatment of toxoplasmosis in cats

Health of cats

Many fans of felines note that their pets sometimes slightly unwell for unknown reasons. At the pet may experience short-lived diarrhea, watery eyes, it is also possible the emergence of a certain laxity in behavior. But these symptoms pass quickly, and the owners no longer worried. Perhaps fluffy darling ate something wrong or blown in a draft. However, for such a pet's behavior is necessary to take particular care, because of toxoplasmosis in cats can sometimes manifest itself precisely such symptoms. Toxoplasmosis - a parasitic infection that is very common, it can be infected not only cats but also other species of mammals, and even people.  Causes and symptoms The causative agent of toxoplasmosis - Toxoplasma gondii - the smallest intracellular parasite from the realm of…

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Is it possible to understand the cat

Articles about cats

Content1 Meow2 eyes3 tail4 Back5 Feet "A man of culture as much as he is able to understand a cat" - the phrase belongs to one of the most famous Irish writers and artists Bernard Shaw. His words contain a great truth. Because in order to understand their pet owner should be with him on the same wavelength, according to the mood and feel of its internal state. Meow All the representatives of the cat family are able to publish characteristic sounds - purr and meow. Interestingly, the frequency of the sound vibrations thus vary from twenty five to one hundred and fifty Hertz. Such sounds are used in medicine to accelerate the damaged bone. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Perhaps this contributes to the constant human desire to stroke mow and hear…

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Breeds of cats

Content1 History of the breed1.1 2 The nature of the breed3 Caring for cats Napoleon Cats breed Napoleon - an unusually fascinating creatures. Their hallmark is a fluffy fur and stubby legs. This is a relatively young breed, but it has already gained immense popularity all over the world, including in Russia. Cats breed Napoleon can be considered undersized Persians. The breed name is present irony, it is well known. That the Emperor Napoleon had a very low height and did not like cats. History of breed American dog breeder basset Haunt Dzho Smit first saw the representatives of the Munchkin breed, so loved this charming short legged cats that could not help but think about their breeding. Dzho Smit found that the gene that gives cats korotkolapost is not dominant.…

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Treating ringworm in cats

Health of cats

Content1 Symptoms2 Can you get3 Treatment4 Cleaning the territories from spores ringworm5 Prevention of Ringworm Ringworm - a kind of fungal infections in animals, which in 90% of cases "mikrosporium" is caused by a fungus. Spores of the fungus not only have the ability to grow on the skin, but also used as a source of power epithelium superficial layers claws and hair. Typically, the source of infection is a cat. Ringworm can occur in cats of any breed entirely, often because of a weakened immune system or poor care. Good care requires regular combing, proper nutrition and timely processing of fleas. The disease affects the hair, nails, skin of the animal. More common in long-haired breeds. Thousands of spores produced daily in the lesion, gradually affect larger and larger areas of…

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Toyger cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 Description of species2 Types of colors3 Options4 Character5 Health6  Care Relatively recently among fans of cats was a rumor that there was a totally new breed that looks similar to a small tiger. Beautiful profile, powerful body, stripes like a tiger, thick hair, deep eyes and very nature of home - it's all Toyger. Toyger breed appeared in California. First learned about it from the mouth of Dzhudi Sagden, who said that this breed has become not just a miniature copy of their wild relatives - tigers, but also to keep their image in the memory of future generations, if the Tigers will become extinct. Dzhen Mill, mother Judy, incredibly strong love cats and genetics. It was she who created the breed Bengal cats. The daughter, who was watching her work, she decided to…

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Mekong Bobtail

Breeds of cats

Content1 Origin1.1 Mekong Bobtail photo2 Exterior features3 Features of behavior4 Health5 Care Origin Its history, this breed leads from the Kingdom of Siam (modern Thailand). In ancient times, the Mekong served as guardians of the treasuries, as well as satellites ladies of the royal family. When the princess wanted to swim, all of its many treasures, worn on their own, they trusted his companions, stringing them on a cat's tail with the audience, thanks to which no ring does not fall to the ground. Generally, the tail representatives of this breed - a kind of identity card. Since this Mekong bobtail tail necessarily incorrectness of the base. And each tail is unique. But the history of this breed has developed so that this unique feature would be lost. Since breeders began culling…

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German Rex

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Exterior features2 Character3 Care4 Health Currently, the German Rex breed is very popular all over the world. What is interesting, first fiddle in her appearance played his Majesty the case. Once in a village, which is located in East Prussia angora cat, brought surprising offspring. The fact that the father of the kittens became Russian blue cat. The kids, in turn, inherited the character and appearance of the signs of both parents. The owner of the cats do not have sufficient knowledge of the feline, I did not pay much attention to the unique kittens. But the situation is saved by one of the local breeders, who had heard about the appearance of unusual children. He appreciated their unusual features, and took to himself two animals. Thus began the history of the new breed…

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Neva Masquerade cat

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Description of species2 The nature of the breed3 Care Neva Masquerade cat has extraordinarily beautiful color inherent in the Siamese breed, but her hair is as long and fluffy, like the Siberian cats. Neva Masquerade feature bright blue eyes. This magnificent breed of cats brought to Russia. She is still the pride of domestic breeders. Now Neva Masquerade cats grow not only in Russia but also abroad. Description of species It owes its name to the breed charming "mask" on the face. Weight of adult representatives Neva masquerade cat can reach 8 - 9 kg. Neva Masquerade cat may have different colors. The most common color-point forces. That is, the cat's body is light in color, and paws, muzzle, tail and ears - Dark Brown. Sometimes the color of some of…

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Tortoiseshell cat

Articles about cats

Many cat lovers say tri-color color the most unusual and beautiful from the variety of existing colors. Apparently, a reason people have long been isolated tortoiseshell cats, believing that these animals with "patches" have magical properties. So what is the tri-color color and whether or tortoiseshell cat - the cat is special, with its unusual features. mystical component It is interesting that at all times humane attitude to cats of various colors may vary from highly positive to highly negative. Equally positive was only to animals, combines its coloration three colors at once. Among our ancestors common belief that in order to protect your home from fire, it was necessary to have a motley black and ginger animal. If tortoiseshell cat visited the house the poor, expect fast profits…

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Kuril Bobtail

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Description of species2 Features of character bobtaylov and their habits3 How to take care of the Kurils4 Interesting Facts Kuril Bobtail ( "Bobtail" stands for "short tail") - one of the youngest officially recognized by the community of breeders of cats. This breed is the result of natural selection in the Kuril Islands, and only at the end of the 20th century, these cats were brought to the mainland. Studies have shown that the type of these cats and their short "tail-pompon" inherited stable, ie they are resistant breed trait. The first standard Kuril Bobtail was accepted by the Soviet Feline Federation in October 1991. The modern Bobtail standard adopted in 2001. Description of species No wonder these cats are called small household lynx. Bobtail…

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Norwegian Forest Cat

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Description2 Character3 Care4 cost Norwegian Forest cat belongs to the family of long-haired cats. Quite long and dense fur of cats served them protection from the harsh Norwegian climate. The first mention of this breed date back to 1599. Norwegian forest differed endurance, speed of reaction and were excellent hunters. This allowed them to survive in the wild. Today, Norwegian Forest cat - a good and faithful friend, who retained the ancestral thick long hair, mind and intelligence. These breeds of cats is very mobile and energetic, but at the same time, they are very docile and rarely allow themselves to mischief, prefer the freedom and independence of their owners. Description Body - long, size from medium to large. Paws extended, and back longer…

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Cat marks territory

Articles about cats

Sometimes you do not understand, how could so small smell label lovely animal. Fetid "flavor" becomes the cause of many conflicts in the family. How to wean purring denote territory? You must first understand why cats behave this way. With animal labels if states that this territory belongs to him, he was in charge. Fluffy neighbor does not want to offend you, it's just a place of protection from the other cats. Moreover, it is you as a member of his flock, also a kind of guards. Tag, not all cats. Why? Indicates territory only leader. If all of a sudden, his team will be engaged in the same, it will attempt to overthrow his government. To reach a compromise with the pet can be used only if you "speak" on his tongue. You need to show that you are the leader, but he is…

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Liarsin - medication for cats

Health of cats

Content1 Instructions for use2 Dosing3 Storage4 Form5 cost Well aware that our four-legged friends are sick and they, like people, in many cases, can not do without antibiotics. But this method of treatment can be unintended consequences. As an alternative to antibiotics, there are homeopathic remedies, well-established for a short period of their use in everyday life. To distinguish them from conventional medicine that they avoid taking antibiotics if you start to use these funds in the early stages of the disease, when the process has not yet started. Homeopathic medicines have no contraindications, so their use is completely safe. One such means is a drug Liarsin manufactured by "Helvet". His and other drugs of this company safely used in the treatment of children, cats and dogs of…

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Maine Coon

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 History2 Intelligence3 Character4 Social behavior5 Education6 Activity7 Care8 Life Maine Coon in the apartment9 The feed Maine coon Cats prinadlezhaschiek Maine coon always admired and respected. And no wonder, because it is the largest of the existing world of domesticated breeds. It combines extraordinary generosity, grace, pleasant character and physical strength. Cats Maine Coon is not just purr. They seem to sing songs and prairie folk motifs evergreen forests. History Breed Maine Coon is descended from North America. In another way, this breed styled Maine raccoon cat. It is believed that for the first time this breed magnificent cats appeared over 150 years ago. According to legend, the appearance of amazing breed Maine Coon, we should be…

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Laktobifadola - medication for cats

Health of cats

Content1 Pharmacological action2 Indications3 Additional Information4 Dosing5 Contraindications6 Storage Conditions Calling four-legged pets - to bring joy to people. Sometimes our pets have health problems. In order to grow your cat healthy and fun it is recommended to observe certain rules of supply. Cats need a balanced feeding, as well as the administration of drugs that contribute to improvement of the stomach and intestines and the normalization of microflora. One of preparations intended to create a favorable intestinal microflora is laktobifadola for koshek.V it consists of living bifidobacteria and acidophilus, dried sorption method using natural plant carrier - flour. The structure also includes the necessary laktobifadola animal organism amino acids, vitamins, trace elements…

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Breeds of cats

Content1 The story of munchkins1.1 2 Appearance munchkins3 Health Munchkin cats4 Care Munchkin cats5 The nature of munchkin cat breeds Cats breed Munchkin - very unusual creation. Their legs are shorter than most other cats in two or even three times. Some call these beauties dachshunds of the cat world. The story of munchkins It is believed that its origin this amazing breed of cats found in 1983 in the US state of Louise's. A local resident found an unusual korotkolapuyu pregnant, slightly feral cat. She thought that her legs at the box short due to the harsh living conditions or some illness. And she was extremely surprised when the cat gave birth as korotkolapoe offspring. This is surprising kitten was a gift and the friend of this girl. Soon korotkolapyh pets, a new offspring. It…