How to wean cat scratching and biting
Articles about cats
Content1 Kitten bites during play and fondling2 pain and fear3 aggression Forwarding4 Other reasons causing the cat aggression The appearance of a cat in the house - always a joy! But even the purchase of a cute kitten can be overshadowed by the fact that your pet may begin to bite and scratch, causing sometimes serious damage. Often, small kittens do not understand how to behave properly with the owners, so do not blame them for bad manners. Cat character is laid in a small age, which means that if you do not wean cat biting at once, in adulthood it is unlikely to be able to retrain. Any cat belongs to the order Carnivora, hence, such a behavior of an animal inherent nature. To begin with, it is necessary to learn to distinguish the true reasons why your pet started to bite. Whether…