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How to wean cat scratching and biting

Articles about cats

Content1 Kitten bites during play and fondling2 pain and fear3 aggression Forwarding4 Other reasons causing the cat aggression The appearance of a cat in the house - always a joy! But even the purchase of a cute kitten can be overshadowed by the fact that your pet may begin to bite and scratch, causing sometimes serious damage. Often, small kittens do not understand how to behave properly with the owners, so do not blame them for bad manners. Cat character is laid in a small age, which means that if you do not wean cat biting at once, in adulthood it is unlikely to be able to retrain. Any cat belongs to the order Carnivora, hence, such a behavior of an animal inherent nature. To begin with, it is necessary to learn to distinguish the true reasons why your pet started to bite. Whether…

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How to help the cat in case of poisoning

Health of cats

Poisoning in cats - a painful condition that requires an immediate response from the owner. The nature of the furry pets are real fussy. They will not be dragged into the mouth horrible. However, every every rule there are exceptions. In order not to be excluded proizoshlf tragediz animal exposure to potentially hazardous substances and objects, and in the case of poisoning immediately see a specialist.  The causes of poisoning Today, treatment involves poisoning the maximum reduction of negative consequences for the organism, arising as a result of intoxication. Do not leave without attention to the disease state pet, thinking that all by itself will take place. It's one thing if the cat ate the stale meat, and suddenly she was caught rat poison or something worse? Such poisoning…

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What dangers lie in wait for the cat in your house?

Articles about cats

With the advent of home kitten or cat the new owner will have to change not only some of the habits, but to change your life. Many dangers awaiting Fluffy in a modern home Since cats are by nature very inquisitive, curious and restless, especially the kids, you have to be very careful. When the kitten is still quite a pipsqueak need to constantly look down at his feet to inadvertently stepping on the young one, and not to inflict injury. Kittens can not help but to explore new territory, climb into every conceivable place where they often have to pull out. A climb on the curtains to the ceiling, is the height of happiness. Small cats, like small children love to run, jump, hide. If the cat got into the house as an adult, it has to be much more careful. The cat in the street has gone…

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European Shorthair

Breeds of cats

Breed European Shorthair is the most common among street cats. European cats are very rare exhibitors, as they are not very popular. Despite this, they are very smart, good and hardy. The first cat, who took part in the exhibition, was the cat named Vastl von der Kolyung from Berlin in 1923. Provenance European cats breed belongs to the natives. They were considered street cats for centuries, and only in 1982 they officially registered. They have always been known for excellent endurance, resistance to disease, extremes of temperature, for which they loved and how the inhabitants of villages and rich palaces. They perfectly catch mice and rats, which is a big plus for these cats. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Originally this breed was blue or…

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Chronic renal failure in cats

Health of cats

Content1 Causes2 Chronic3 Diagnostics4 Treatment Kidneys - a paired organ responsible for elimination of toxins and harmful substances from the body of a cat. If they do not work correctly, the animal health may be compromised as a result of poisoning Skopje waste. This is mainly due to the fact that the kidneys lose their ability to produce sufficient amounts of urine. As a result of disrupted metabolic balance, and this is an extremely negative impact on the whole well-being of the animal. But the greatest danger is the CRF in cats - chronic renal failure. The result of this disease is a pathological decrease in kidney size, whereby they are finally no longer fulfill their function. Not diagnose the disease so easily, the fact is that cats have a high pain threshold, but a state of…

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As trimming a cat's claws

Articles about cats

When the content of pet owners should not only bestow your pet with love and affection, but also pay attention to the proper care of him. Every owner should know what cats claws cut and how to do it. Animals themselves can not perform this procedure or by nibble claws, either by sewing a scratching post, so you should help them. Many owners are wondering why you need to trim the claws, the cat does not damage furniture and is not scratched. You should know that to cut the claws to be only when they have reached is too long and the cat begins to cling for all. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It is important to perform regular clipping claws, because cats living in a city apartment, are less active and mobile lifestyle than the street. That is,…

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Blue-eyed cat breeds

Articles about cats

Content1 The dominance of white color2 Siamese3 Albinism4 White Spot5 Ojos Azules6 Breed cats with blue eyes Green and yellow - the most common eye color in cats. Much rarer blue-eyed cat, because they are highly valued among breeders. How do I find genetics, a gene that is responsible for the color of the eyes, is not inherited. But there is a correlation color cat fur and the color of her eyes. The presence of blue eyes in cats is due to a special pigment in the iris eyes. These cells are called melanocytes. Their number in the outer layer of the eye is responsible for the color. The greatest amount of pigment gives brown, yellow, shades of copper, the average number of - green, but quite small - rare blue eyes. When melanocytes are absent completely turn red eye shades, like albinos.…

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Like a cat with a dog?

Articles about cats

Content1 feud2 Do dogs get along with cats?3 Introduction4 How to make friends dog and cat The war between the domestic animals - common stereotype. It is possible to achieve a truce, but it's not easy. How do you know whether to get involved in a relationship or is it just hurt? What makes pets conflict? feud In urban settings, fights are rare. Pets faced each other many times a day. Cats behave aggressively when they met: sizzle, cooked claws, arching his back wheel. Coat purring stands on end, the animal tries to look great and formidable. Dogs this works, they take the right decision: to get away. However, in this case the cat aggression arises from the fear, neither of which there is no feud speech. Quite different is the situation when the interests of the animals face. For…

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What to drink cat

Articles about cats

Content1  The material of the troughs made for cats2  depth3  Form drinkers4  Drinking bowls for small kittens5  Automatic waterers Water is one of the most important elements necessary for the normal existence of almost any living creature on this planet. Cats here are no exception. Fresh clean water should always be in the direct access of your pet. You can pour the old vodichku in a saucer, and change it periodically to fresh. However, scientific and technological progress does not stand still. Today, there are a variety of devices called shelves for cats. Such dishes are very diverse, but at the same time it has unique requirements. Such devices can be made from various materials: plastic, clay, metal. May have a different shape and appearance, and have…

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Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Description of species2 Character and care3 Interesting facts Havana home to breed cats is considered to Siam (now Thailand). Together with the Siamese and Orientals, these cats were brought to England in the 19th century. But Siam was lucky much more than the other two species - they are immediately recognized by the British "koshkolyuby". At the same time representatives of the British club Siamese cat lovers wrote that "nothing can discourage breeding cats that are not Siamese with blue eyes." But at this club, fortunately, has not converged wedge of light, and there were breeders who came to mind is incredibly delicate fur color of coffee, feels like mink. So it began removing rocks. At an exhibition in London in 1894 was attended by the cat and the cat Timki Braun…

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Himalayan cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 Description of species1.1 2  How to choose a kitten3  Care and Health Description of species Its history, this breed dates back to the forties of the twentieth century, it was then in the United States by crossing the cats Persian and Siamese breed was obtained offspring with color, very similar to the color of the Himalayan rabbit, after which a new breed got its name - Himalayan cat. Offspring inherited lush shorstku from the Persians, and the extraordinary intelligence of the Siamese parents. Officially recognized the breed was in 1957. Himalayan cat on a set of external features refers to the Persian type, with the exception of a larger body, and Siamese. The wool is very soft, thick and long. However, the most remarkable thing about them - is, of course,…

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Fosprenil - medication for cats

Health of cats

Fosprenil - natural drug that is produced by the specific technology of the clean pine needles. It has a pronounced therapeutic effects in viral diseases. On the one hand, the drug activates protective functions of the body, and on the other - actively resists viruses. Treatment is particularly effective when applied to Fosprenil maksidin and Gamavitom. This drug is used to treat viral enteritis, hepatitis, panleukopenia, plague and other serious viral diseases in animals. Fosprenil undoubted advantage is that it is completely non-toxic and does not cause allergies, as well as has a high therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of various kinds of viral infections. The introduction of the drug into the body of an infected animal provides an integrated impact and high antiviral effect:…

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How and what to feed young kittens

Breeds of cats

So, in your house appeared fluffy ball. First of all, you as the owner must provide the child proper nutrition. But you need to decide on the type of food, which will have to adhere to. For proper nutrition kitten fit as finished food and natural products. If you purchased an animal from a breeder, ask the nursery staff, what and how to feed a kitten.   Natural type of feeding Do not assume that the natural type of feeding involves the eating of animal products from the human table. Moreover, food for people is bad for cats completely at any age, since it uses a lot of cooking salt, spices, seasonings and other ingredients that are harmful to animals. Natural type of food for the kitten - it is specially prepared food that contains all the necessary substances for proper…

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Ivermek - medication for cats

Health of cats

Even when the cat is practically beyond the apartment, it is possible that it can pick up parasites. The food picked up from the ground, puddle of rainwater, the neighborhood cats and rodents can become your pet potential carriers of infection. Even the shoes standing in the hallway, is a major threat to cats. That is why the owners of cats should be aware of this facility as Ivermek. It is an excellent material from many types of parasites that can live in the body of an animal. This drug has a wide range of applications. It prevents the development of nematodes in the larval stage and adult age, the emergence of lice, bloodsuckers, gadfly in the stomach, ticks. The composition Ivermeka cat enters Ivermectin, which leads to increased production of butyric acid in violation nerve…

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Exotic shorthair

Breeds of cats

Content1 Provenance1.1 2 Description3 Character4 Care5 cost Exotic shorthair, or so-called "cat Snoopy" - breed shorthair cats, whose closest relative - the Persian cat. These animals are similar not only in appearance, but also gentle, cheerful and faithful disposition. The main difference between them from the Persians - a thick and short hair, requires virtually no maintenance. They jokingly referred to as "Persian cat for the lazy". Due to its exotic kind, unpretentious, photogenic and good-natured disposition, this cat is one of the ten most popular cat in the world. Provenance This breed has been artificially created by American breeders in the 1960s. The first kittens were completely random. American breeders engaged in traditional American breed shorthair cats, trying to…

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What breeds of cats the most affectionate

Breeds of cats

Content1 Why is this happening2 Siamese3 Burmese4 Abyssinian5 Sphinxes6 Kornishn and Devon Rex To answer the question about what cats most affectionate breed is not so simple. The fact that the relationship between the cat and the owner are very different in each case. For someone siamese embodiment of kindness and affection, and for someone real and cruel boy pakostnitsa. In fact, the general nature of any breed of cats is the nature of each particular cat. And since each animal - personality, the characters and can also vary as a sweet from salty. Why is this happening As the practice shows the most affectionate cats - those in whose veins flows the blood of the ancestors with the most balanced and full mentality, brought up in favorable conditions, understanding and attentive…

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What is the treatment of cystitis in cats

Health of cats

Content1  Symptoms2  form of the disease3  Causes of disease4 Treatment5  The conditions of cystitis Cystitis in cats - it is unpleasant, prone to recurrence of the disease, which is quite difficult to cure. It brings a lot of problems as the animals themselves, experiencing persistent pain, and the owners of cats, which do not please many foul-smelling puddles all over the apartment. Also, do not add optimism procedure is complex and not always effective treatment, often ending euthanasia pet. What you need to take to protect your pet from this disease and how to properly assist the affected population? Bladder - a body having an interior cavity capable of increase and decrease in size as needed. Inside it is covered with a thin layer of mucosa, a huge amount of…

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What vitamins to give cats

Health of cats

Content1 Nutrition and Vitamins2 Side effects3 Release Form4 Special Vitamins Increasingly, doctors are veterinarians diagnosed in pets beriberi. Unfortunately, the lack of vitamins in the body pet can lead to undesirable consequences. Weakened immune system that falls wool, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, nervous disorders, brittle bones, breathing problems and cardiovascular system - these are just a partial list of health problems that can cause beriberi. However, modern medicine has developed a huge amount of vitamins for pets. In this case, the owners of cats need to know exactly which drugs are needed their pets at a particular stage of life. Feeding and Vitamins In case if your pet eats high-quality ready-made food, the addition of vitamins to his diet does not make…

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Gamavit - medication for cats

Health of cats

Content1 General characteristics of the drug2  Gamavit for kittens3 Indications and dosage4  Methods of Administration Our younger brothers constantly in need of a caring involvement. It is necessary to ensure that pet food and a worthy habitat. However, it is still taking care of pets health is the most important element of the harmonious coexistence of man and animal. Sometimes, for this most important goal, it is necessary to use a variety of specialized medicines, which include Gamavit for cats. The drug which will help to grow healthy and strong offspring to support animal health. General characteristics of the drug Gamavit for cats - a modern complex drug proven effective in achieving the therapeutic and prophylactic purposes since the early days of the life of a…

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Cats see the world

Articles about cats

Content1   Unusual pupils2   mysterious flicker3  Focus4   differ colors5  Vision and aspects of behavior Feline look like a bottomless pit, full of great mystery and wisdom passed through the millennium. They are like two gems, from which it is impossible to look away. Throughout all ages of people attracted mystery cat eyes, an interest in cats perceive the world around us, not faded ever. Earlier, people appropriated these mysterious animals supernatural powers. It has been argued that cats see through the fabric of reality, feel the future and the past, can watch the mystical phenomena. In Russia, for centuries it was believed that the harmony and prosperity are only present that home where the cat with homes in good terms. In order to…