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Oriental cat

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 How did the breed2 Appearance3 Character and habits4 Features of care5 Fun Facts Oriental charm ( "Oriental" translated to English means "east") is indescribable. As the French say - "a woman can not be truly beautiful if it does not have anything nasty." These words can be fully attributed and cats breed "oriental." Mysterious, a bit "scratchy" look, absurdly long body, large ears, a long thin snout. Like it sounds ridiculous, not only with respect to these aristocratic beauties of the cat family. His unusual appearance, graceful and energetic character of these cats have conquered millions of people around the world. How did the breed Orientals, along with the Siamese cats were imported to Britain in the 19th century. But here the "conquest of the…

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Ojos Azules

Breeds of cats

Blue eyes - it is mainly the prerogative of Siamese cats , in which they are considered one of the breed standard. But in the US, breeders discovered cats with the same eye color, but it did not take place in the relationship with Siam. It was found that the mutation caused by resistant gene for So, in charge of the "blue" in his eyes. The breed was given the name "Ojos Azules", which translated from Spanish means exactly "blue eyes." The first officially registered representative of this breed was the cat Conflans tortoiseshell from New Mexico. Actually, no other distinguishing features of the breed have not. In fact, it's just a blue-eyed cat, are not with the Siamese. The breed standard was adopted in 1991, but in 2004 it became possible to put representatives in PNB class. A little…

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Why the cat refuses to eat

Health of cats

Content1 change of diet2 fasting day3 Thermoregulation4 Sexual attraction5 Stress6 Malaise7 Pregnancy8 What to do Good appetite - an important indicator of good health of your pet. However, if the cat is not there - it's not a reason to sound the alarm. Sometimes this behavior is not talking about the disease or rejection, it is often the norm. True owner must understand the reason for such behavior, in case of need to provide timely assistance to the animal. There are several reasons why a cat will not eat. Change of diet Fluffy pets - these are some of the most prominent conservatives in the animal world. Some particularly sensitive representatives of the cat family and are beginning to worry about rush, even if the interchange furniture. So that a change of diet or diet can easily…

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Surgery to remove a cat's claws

Health of cats

Before you make a kitten think that the baby has small claws, but as they grow older the animal is a weapon of self-defense and hunting will continue to grow and require care. Watch your cat's claws one way. They grind them on a hard surface.  Why cats do In fact, when the cat scratched deliberately different surfaces, they do not sharpen claws and clean them from obsolete shells. Their purpose can be even removal of dead claw to release the new location. Also, the reason for this behavior is the animal instinct to designate their territory. The fact that the front legs have pets are glands secreting a special substance that falls on the surface with scratching. On the territory is marked so the cat feels calm and protected. And even scarring - is a kind of cat-charge, aimed at…

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Do dandruff dangerous for cats

Health of cats

Many pet owners believe that dandruff in cats are not very serious problem. But they are wrong. Seborrhea, so on the scientific name of this disease is a serious problem that can bring huge inconvenience. In severe cases, it can affect the entire surface of the skin of your pet. And in some places: on the back or behind the ears, the disease often leads to ulcers, which serve as a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and various microscopic parasites. The causes of dandruff To understand why the cat dandruff is necessary to understand the causes of this disease. The fact that the animal skin are sebaceous glands that produce sebum (sebum), thin layer which covers the entire skin surface, and each hair, thereby performing a protective function. Thus,…

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Do I need to do to kittens vaccinated

Health of cats

At the beginning of life's journey kittens in need of increased attention and care about health. In the first year of life it is necessary to protect the baby from various diseases and to make every effort to develop their own animal immunity. Following the acquisition of a small pet of his newly-born owner should ask themselves: what steps should be taken to maintain and enhance the health pet? First and foremost, you need to carefully and slowly explore the kitten. To evaluate the presence of defects in the external structure of the animal, to pay particular attention to the spine, limbs, tail, Coats. Carefully inspect the head and all the external organs located on it. animal's eyes should be clear and bright, with no expiration. The ears should not have any visible damage, crusts.…

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Do I need clothes for cats

Articles about cats

Many cat lovers are wondering - why pets, completely covered with dense fur, special clothing. Of course, if the target is wearing it - to warm the animal, it is useless. Moreover, wearing a furry pet clothes, you run the risk of harm to his health, causing overheating of the body. But what about the rocks that nature has not endowed with thick fur? According to experts, for the cats do not have a thick woolen cover, or even deprived of wool (Sphinx), wearing special clothes in cold or inclement simply cool and rainy weather is necessary. This will help avoid hypothermia of the animal, which is fraught with serious health problems. A few years ago, such a cat clothing was in our country a true rarity. Many owners of their own sewing it, in order to protect their pets from bad weather.…

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The relationship between children and cats

Articles about cats

If your child has not asked you to have a kitten, it means only one thing - soon he will ask you about it. Children really want to have your little furry pet, play and tinker with it. But sometimes it happens that the relationship of the kid and pet fold is not always successful. It happens that parents get in trouble, not knowing whether to save a child from a cat, or a cat from excessive curiosity baby. Of course, it happens that the relationship between the animal and the child is quite harmonious, but, unfortunately, it is not always. There are cases of aggression on the part of an adult cat, in relation to the baby appears in the family. This can be attributed to instinctive animal struggle for attention to his person. Sometimes an animal can suddenly attack and scratch the baby. In…

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Why hair falls in domestic cats

Health of cats

Content1 Main causes wool loss2 Seasonal molt3 Hormonal disorders4 immunocompromised5 Skin parasites6 Allergy7 Treatment of hair loss in cats8 Loss of hair is not a reason for separation The main causes of hair loss Experts believe that the periodic shedding of hair for animals with wool cover quite a normal, provided the nature of the phenomenon. This fact does not tell about the presence of any disease. Pet owners during seasonal moulting should be carefully vychosyvat animal and more wet cleaning in the room, then this phenomenon will not cause too much trouble. seasonal shedding This phenomenon happens with the animal body, as a rule, twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is not associated with any illness, a lack of vitamins or minerals. Same way there is a necessary update the…

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Why do cats meow

Articles about cats

Many owners of furry pets often annoying constant meowing their favorites. However, few people think about what has caused the cat's meow. Currently, through the observation of cats found that they are able to issue more than thirty different variations of sounds. In this case, each animal there is a unique set of sounds you use. Their set depends on the cat's habitat and therefore how often it communicates with people or other animals (cats, dogs). Goals that cats held a number of people allowed them to conclude that people communicate with each other primarily through sound and the human response is more pronounced in the voice and active than the reaction to gestures or body odors. Why cats talk Meowing cat is always under a certain cause. Most often, your furry pet meow want to…

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Why does a cat marking its front paws

Articles about cats

Content1  from childhood2  Bed chores3  Sweet Life4  own feelings5  Feline therapy Sometimes some aspects of feline behavior seem a man quite strange. For example, the situation when the cat is marking its front paws, as if making a massage to the owner, still has no unambiguous interpretation in the scientific community. There are several theories to explain this curious ritual.  From childhood The bulk of experts in feline behavior concurs that domestic cats front paws treading water at times when the baby wakes component of their psyche. If you ever watched the behavior of the young, infants kittens, they could see how kids mauled my mother's belly in the nipple area. This manipulation stimulates milk kittens current and thereby improve its food.…

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Ocicat cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 History of2 Description3 Character4 Care5 Health6 cost Ocicat - a breed of domestic cat that looks very similar to wild cats. Oddly enough, they do not have a drop of blood the wild. Their strangeness lies in the fact that having a wild color, they have a truly home temperament. The name they got from the large similarities with wild animals - Ocelot. This breed is a mixture of Abyssinian cats with the Siamese. Later DNA Shorthair has been added to the so-called "silver tabby". Because of their very sociable temperament Ocicat often equated to the dogs. They are easily trained and seriously engage in training, you can teach them to bring items, cast a vote, to respond, sit, lie down, and much more. Therein lies their features, they are always ready to communicate, active,…

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Especially kittens development by week

Articles about cats

Content1 First Week2 Second Week3 Third week4 The fourth week5 Fifth Week6 The sixth week7 Seventh Week8 Eighth Week9 nine weeks10 Tenth Week11 Eleventh Week12 twelve weeks13 Thirteenth week14 Fourteenth Week15 Fifteenth Week16 Sixteenth Week17 Fifth Month18 Sixth Month19 Seventh Month20 Eighth Month21 Ninth Month22 Tenth Month23 Eleventh Month24 One Year Every person who responsible approach to the health of your furry pet understands that this factor depends on many things. Including such as the right healthy food, learning many skills, conditions of animal accommodation. So prepared by the owner knows the principles and rules on which there kittens by week development: from birth and up to a year. First week On average, a newborn kitten weighs no more than a hundred grams. During…

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Why the cat smell from the mouth

Articles about cats

When the content of cats is important to know that sometimes have to deal with health problems, one of which is bad breath. Scientifically it is called halitosis. If the breath in cats is very strong, it is likely that any medical problem. Do not worry, because all fixable. Bad odor can be caused by a long series of health problems this cat. Causes of The reasons can be many. Often bad breath in cats occurs when an increased amount of bacteria in the mouth. It appears as a result of dental problems with teeth and gums. Your pet may be plaque or stone. It may also start due to dermatological problems or special diet. Permanent unpleasant odor may indicate that your pet serious health problems. These are various diseases of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, liver, respiratory…

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Why coughing cat

Health of cats

Content1 hair ball2 Injury throat3 Diseases caused by viral infections4 Infestation5 Pneumonia6 Asthma As the famous saying goes: a cat has nine lives. However, in practice it turns out that the pet's health is often compromised. Cats get sick pretty often. Perhaps it is a banal colds a cat , or maybe allergic to a variety of pathogens, and even seems to be quite human diseases: gastritis, diabetes, asthma. So if your cat is coughing is necessary to understand the cause of this symptom. By analogy with the man many owners take the cat cough symptom of colds. Of course this is partly true, but it is often a cat is coughing for another reason. hair ball For each healthy cat is quite natural behavior is licking it's natural facials own woolen cloak. However, the wool will inevitably fall…

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Care Basics kitten

Health of cats

Many people reshivshiesya for the first time to have a furry pet, often wonder how to take care of kittens? What rules must be followed and what are the requirements to perform a favorite growing up healthy and happy. care Basics Despite its size and age of the kitten is already quite independent animal that already knows and can do a lot. However, their owners, especially the first time, be required to make considerable efforts to create a favorable atmosphere in the house where the pet is settled. Caring for a kitten for the first time involves ensuring the safety of your pet. You need to very closely monitor so that the kitten does not come out on the balcony or quietly slipped through the door is not completely closed on the street or in the entrance. If you frequently open the…

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Why does a cat sneezes

Health of cats

Many pet owners often notice that their cat sneezes and rubs his nose with his paw. It is quite natural in the case of short-term and periodic manifestations. However, it happens that the process continues sneezing quite long and often repeated. Then the owner of the animal must ask: what is happening to him a favorite? Because the reason for this phenomenon can be concealed in the allergic response, or other catarrhal disease. So do not wait and risk the health of your pet, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Causes sneezing cats Natural cause sneezing - getting into the nasal passage of a foreign body such as dust particles. But there are factors that can adversely affect the health of your pet: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); • colds;…

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Persian cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 History of the breed1.1 Mysterious travelers1.2 1.3 second home2 Breed standards3 Wealth colors and soft wool4 Behavior and character5 Features of the care and feeding6 Fun Facts Persian cats - one of the most popular pets, including in Russia. It is amazingly beautiful creature with a soft beautiful hair. Persians - cat companions, they are loyal friends and great listeners. Unlike many other cats, they are sincerely attached to the person. But what would the Persian cat was not involved, it always remains true aristocrat. And you purring in your ear a cat song and a joyful meeting with your work or school, and taking a favorite treat, and even enthusiastically surrendering to the game. History of breed mysterious travelers Persians - one of the oldest breeds of domestic…

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Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Description2 Color3 Character4 Care5 Births6 Dilution Peterbald - besshortnyh breed of domestic cats are also known as the "St. Petersburg Sphinx". We got this rock in St. Petersburg as a result of crossing the Don Sfinska and oriental cats. This species is known since 1994. The first four kittens that received when crossing became the founders of the species. After the recognition of the breed filinologicheskimi organizations, these cats received the abbreviation PBD. To date, this type of cat develops, it becomes closer to the Siamese, it is with them a similar appearance, so Petersburg Sphinx can be crossed with Siamese brothers. Peterbald - very nice view of cats. They are very slender, medium-sized body with a nice friendly character. The price for these kittens is…

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Where did bald cat

Breeds of cats

Content1   The story of the bald cats1.1 Bald cat photo2  Features of the care and maintenance3  Character and habits Hairless cats are quite unlike their relatives, have thick fur. Wonderful character, loyalty to his master and the desire to always stay close to these animals give an extraordinary resemblance to dogs. They can not stand being alone, do not need a soft cozy couches and a pile of toys. The most important thing for them, so that the owner was always there and does not deprive the attention.   The story of the bald cats  These cats, owe their unusual appearance "gene besshorstnosti", appeared as a result of random, unpredictable mutations over hundreds of years. Representatives of the bald rocks have been found in North America,…