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What kinds of toys for cats

Articles about cats

Content 1   Mouse 2   Teasers 3  Balls 4   pendulums 5   Toys from surrounding objects Toys for cats, it's something that does not happen much, because in the process of active play a lot of these things disappear. Be prepared for this. There are many varieties of this accessory.   Mouses This is a classic kind of toys for cats. The choice of such toy mice in pet stores is simply huge, besides a gray rag norushku can easily make yourself. If you do decide to buy a toy store, the first thing you need to pay attention - safety. Such mice are inexpensive, but the quality of performance in different models are very different. The…

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Stop cystitis - a drug for cats

Health of cats

Content1  Characteristics of the drug2  Medicinal properties3  Indications4  Dosage5  Contraindications and side effects Currently, veterinary medicine can cure almost any disease in your pet. However, there is an old truth, which reads as follows: It is better to prevent than to deal with the consequences. Due to the nature of our climate cystitis is a very common disease in domestic cats. It is a disorder of the genitourinary system feline body. This pathology is common in domestic cats of all breeds, age and sex. On its development and emergence can affect the diet, habitat conditions and animal genetics. According to statistics, the cats exposed cystitis more than cats. This is due to the structure of the body of the animal is male. To minimize the…

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American Bobtail

Breeds of cats

Content1 Provenance2 Exterior features2.1 3 Habits and character4 Care Provenance His story began this breed dates back to the time when, in the early sixties in the North American state of South Arizona in one of the Indian reservations was found the original color striped kitten with unusual, short, like a docked tail, which was nicknamed Yodi. Subsequently, it is this animal became the ancestor of wonderful breed American Bobtail. external signs These cats have a naturally shorter moving tail. The size of animals varies from medium to large, weighing from three to seven kilograms. American Bobtail have thick hair, well-muscled, athletic, well-developed physique. They have a strong, stocky body of moderate length, with a broad chest, flat back, slightly protruding shoulder blades. …

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Australian mist

Breeds of cats

Content1 Provenance1.1 2  Exterior features3  Character and habits4  Care Provenance Australian Mist, or even call this breed Australian Mist, unique, unusual animal native to exotic Australia. At present, this remarkable breed was able to obtain official recognition only in the WCF organization. Except, in Australia, this young breed, bred the Sydney breeders in the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, it is found quite rarely. When breeding this animal Australian breeders have worked with cats Abyssinian and Burmese as well as with domestic pedigree cats. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); At the same time during the work used a unique breeding program, allowing you to select only the best qualities of each animal was used in…

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How to select a tray for cats

Articles about cats

Content1  classic plastic tray2  Tray-house3  Self-cleaning models4  trays toilet As you know cats are very clean animals. No animal in good faith did not climb into a mud puddle. And observe the zeal with which pets coat clean howl even the slightest contamination - a pleasure. So the cat tray must sparkling clean and not have a nauseating smell. No self-respecting home favorite did not sit down on a dirty toilet, but rather to spoil the carpet in some secluded corner. So how do you choose a toilet for cats, what criteria guided? On the matter,  the main feature of which should have a tray for cats, it is the ease of maintenance of this accessory for the animal owner. Toilet should be easy to use and clean. Of course, choosing the right model should be…

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Why do cats claws

Articles about cats

Many people around the world have pets. Someone like parrots, funny chirping in their cages. Some people prefer a faithful dog, which brings slippers. But most people gets cats at home. These fluffy, beautiful and sociable animals act as a kind of antidepressant. They always want stroke, squeeze and cuddle. These animal petting reciprocates. It gently purrs and caresses, and it relieves stress. Unbelievable but true! It has long been shown that domestic cats are able to display their owners from the state of deep depression. Moreover, these amazing animals feel pain and a person lying down on a desired area of ??the body, remove it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); However, many owners of these remarkable creatures completely forget about the…

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American Shorthair

Breeds of cats

Content1 Description2 Character3 Care4 Health5 cost This cat breed is native to the United States. She appeared there several centuries ago, supposedly, it brought the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. Despite its long history, it has become recognized standards only in the early 19th century. Such cats are often to be found on farms and ranches, where they fought with great rodents. These conditions are very hardened American Shorthair, and over time this breed of cats has become an independent, stable, strong and healthy, passing all these qualities from generation to generation. The first American Shorthair was registered in 1900, but in fact it was a cat breed British Shorthair named for Bally, whose color was red marble. After that, in 1904, it was registered by the American shorthair cat…

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American Curl

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Appearance Curls2 Features of character3 Care Curls and their health4 Interesting Facts Like some other modern breeds of cats, American Curls are the result of random mutations. The first cat of this breed named Shulamith (it means "black but comely"). In 1981, she was very young kitten came to the house of their future owners - husband Joe and Greys Ruga living in Lakewood, California. The cat ears were curled back, and after a while she had her kittens, too, with such an irregularly shaped ears - mutation was resistant. Felinologists conducted a series of genetic studies and recognized a different breed of cats, calling it the "American Curl" since Curls have become extremely popular in the states. Moreover, in just three decades, these cats could be a national treasure…

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Incredible facts from the life of cats

Breeds of cats

Cats - amazing creatures, explore amazing facts related to pets: Cat, who has lived in the world for nine years, spent on a dream no less than two thirds of the total life time. It is so much time spent on cats sleep during the day. Cats do not like sweet, unlike dogs and humans. This is due to evolutionary changes in some of the taste buds. a female prefer to dig right paw and males, on the contrary, left. A cat can easily climb a tree. However, the return trip will take her some problems, because the cat's claws are arranged so that the head will not be able to descend down, just backing away. Any cat can recite at least a hundred different sounds. With the structure of the brain in terms of cats could be our relatives. We have a similar area of ??the body responsible for the…

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How to choose a hypoallergenic cat

Health of cats

Recently become popular hypoallergenic cat food. This is no accident. More and more owners began to pay attention to the allergy and food sensitivity of their pets. Embodying a care in life, they prefer to give the cat a special diet to avoid putting its unpleasant consequences of allergy. Such food really help to improve the state-animal allergy. However, it is worth remembering that some of the companies producing these products just to earn money. So that the same dry "hypoallergenic" food for one animal really will be the salvation, and the other will have the opposite effect, because of an allergic reaction can manifest itself is finished to different substances which are, including in the feed. It is logical to assume that in the world there is a hypoallergenic food that would fit…

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American Wirehair

Breeds of cats

Content1 Provenance2 Exterior features2.1 3  Character and habits4  Care and Health Provenance American Wirehair traces its history since 1966, when the first representative of this breed was found on an American farm. Discovered kitten looks almost no different from the US gladkoshorstnoy cats, but have one important feature - a unique coat. Which was very matted and resembles a wire. An interesting fact is that the parents of this extraordinary kitten did not have such hair, as well as his last surviving brother. However, in the same litter were with him yet, "wire" kittens, but, unfortunately, killed rapacious ermine. And if not for the efforts of the American breeder Dzhoan Oshia, which acquired a host of unique kitten farm, we could lose this wonderful breed. external…

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Balinese cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 History of1.1 2  Appearance3  Character4  Health5  Care The history of occurrence Representatives of this breed can be safely attributed to the category of poludlinnoshorstyh Siamese cats. The history of its occurrence in common with the history of the emergence of the Somali cat breed, descended from Abyssinian. It is known that in the body of any cat shorthair breed longhair gene is present, which can be passed on to offspring. Because of this newborn kittens may carry the gene as a long-haired and short-haired. As usual, dlinnoshorstye offspring recorded in the marriage, as long as the enthusiasts from the world of breeders do not pay attention to them. Then we have the chance, thanks to culled kittens get a completely unique breed. Just such a…

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Where to leave the cat during a long separation

Articles about cats

According to statistics, seventy-six percent of people in our country are the owners of four-legged pet. Half of the total number of pets - cats. The rhythm of modern life often involves various trips. Often, this separation from home may be delayed for a long time. An extended business trip, vacation or a trip to relatives can put before you the following problem: where to attach the cat in his absence?  How to proceed There are simple and free solutions to this problem: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Temporarily give the animal relatives or friends; Leave the keys from the apartment to friends or neighbors; Mark with a pet; If the trip does not last more than a few days, then we can leave to the animal a large supply of food and…

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Breeds of cats

Content 1 The story of the rock 2 Appearance 3 Features of character abissinok 4 Care Abyssinian and their contents 5 Breeding Abyssinian cats 6 Fun Facts Abyssinian cat - is the embodiment of mystery and elegance. They are surprisingly graceful and beautiful, and why it is so popular among cat lovers. Their origins are still arguing professionals worldwide. The story of the rock On a common version of the homeland of these cats - Ethiopia, which was formerly known as Abyssinia (hence, in fact, the name of the cat). According to this version, the first representative of the breed in Europe is considered to be a very definite cat named Zula. In 1868, it brought to Britain from the military expedition of Captain Barrett-Lennard. The first breed standard was…

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Анандін - лікарський препарат для кішок

Health of cats

зміст1  Склад2  Показання до застосування3  Дозування і застосування4  Побічні ефекти Коли в нашому будинку з'являється пухнастий вихованець, ми повинні усвідомлювати, що він, як і будь-яка інша жива істота схильний до різних захворювань: вірусного, бактеріального або іншого характеру. При використанні різних способів лікування з'ясовується, що якісь з них більш ефективні, ніж інші. Препарат Анандін для кішок вже давно…

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Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 History of the breed2 Intelligence3 Character4 Care5 The feed Bengal cat If you like true hunters with a friendly and gentle nature, the Bengal cat will be for you a real discovery. Representatives of this breed get along well with other pets. Bengal cats are not only not afraid of large dogs, but also able to make friends with them. These domestic carnivores have a great sense of territoriality, whereby they can even entrust the protection of home. You'd be surprised, but the Bengal cats are very fond of the water. They are happy to play in the bathroom, can take a shower with his master and did not resist attempts to wash themselves. Bengalis - a real wild predators, fated to become domesticated. Because their ancestor was an Asian leopard crossed with domestic cats.…

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Arabian Mau

Breeds of cats

Content1 History of1.1 2 Exterior features3 Character4 Care Arabian Mau - a breed native to east, which recently domesticated. These inhabitants of the deserts differ good health, long years of life and good character striving for freedom. Today, it is provisionally recognized breed. The history of occurrence This breed traces its ancestry to the Middle East, where it has been known for hundreds of years. domestication process was started with the moment when the wild ancestors of the cats decided to find their own food in human settlements. Today's Arabian Mau is not so very different from their wild ancestors. A feature of these cats is a high resistance to elevated ambient temperatures. This is not surprising, as the natural habitat of these cats is the hot desert. The largest…

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Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Description2 Character3 Care4 cost Anatolian Shepherd Dog breed is considered to be naturally derived, like the Angora cat and Vienna. This breed was formed in Turkey near Lake Van. Anatolian population of cats is most often found in Iran, Iraq, Armenia and southern Russia. The story goes that this breed is among the first domesticated cats. Many organizations do not recognize the Anatolian Shepherd Dog as a separate breed, and assign it a variation of the Turkish Van. But this version is wrong, because of their similarity occurs only in identical roots of origin. There is a list of features that clearly distinguishes Anatolian Shepherd Dog from Vans. Breeders of this breed insist to be recognized as independent, because it is still considered a kind of Turkish Vans.…

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Antiseks for cats

Health of cats

All lovers of cats is well known that almost all breeds of cats aged from six months to 8 months become sexually mature. Nature has a way that the cat at this age begins to show sexual activity. Most often, this period brings a lot of trouble the hosts. Cats begin to loudly call upon partners and cats mark territory or behave aggressively. Despite this behavior of cats, it is not necessary at short notice to meet their needs. Excessive pregnancy is very harmful to the health of the cat, even if you plan to breed a certain breed. In cases where owners, for whatever reason, do not fit castration or sterilization, are the only means of contraception for animals. There are several types of drugs antiseks, dividing into groups of composition and action. This natural herbal medicines at a…

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The anatomical structure of cats

Health of cats

Content1 Skeleton2 Extremities3 Mouth4 Wool and skin5, blood circulation and respiratory system6 Digestive System In order to better understand your pet, choose the right diet and gain the skills of initial assistance you need to know how your pet is constructed from a biological point of view, that is to understand the anatomy of a cat and its physiological characteristics. Skeleton Initially, it is necessary to consider the structure of the skeleton of an animal. The cat, like a person belongs to a class of vertebrates, however, a significant difference between the structure of the skeleton furry pet is in a horizontal arrangement of the spinal column and the appropriate place in the rest of the bones of the skeleton system, which, in turn, is determined by lifestyle and habits of…