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Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Provenance2 Description3 Character4 Care5 cost Siberian cat breed belongs to the long-haired. This is the first breed developed by Russian breeders who are recognized abroad. In Egypt, the cat was considered sacred and worshiped it, and by all means protected her. Siberian cats - a unique heritage of Russia. They are mentioned in the verses of Russian poets, loved the nobility, they were the heroes of Russian fairy tales. This breed of cat resembles a Norwegian Forest and Maine Coon. Her graceful, enchanting green eyes, and lynx tufts on the ears will not leave anyone indifferent. Siberian cats - are natural hunters, they like space and freedom. Some farmers kept them as guard dogs, protects crops from rodents, because they are very similar in nature. Sense of territory and…

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Stride Plus - medication for cats

Health of cats

It is believed that the degenerative lesions of the joints in the main dog suffer. On this topic published numerous scientific papers and articles. In today's world, constantly developed an impressive number of the most effective drugs, nutritional supplements help combat this problem. But you should know that cats, as well as dogs, are often faced with joint disease, however, it does not pay enough attention. This is due to the fact that the joint disease in cats occur sporadically, and they are specific to diagnose and manage them only with accompanying illness or injury. Experiment was carried out, which was attended by about a hundred cats over the age of 12 years. They were examined for the presence of lesions of the joints. The study showed that 90% of present degenerative joint…

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The body temperature of cats

Health of cats

Content1 body temperature of a healthy cat2 kittens Body temperature3 High and low temperature4 How to measure body temperature in the cat The presence of a normal body temperature in furry pet does not guarantee that there are no health problems. But if it detects its change, it can be concluded that in the cat's body processes are associated with the development of a disease. It is in order to determine the moment in time to the occurrence of danger to the health of the animal, each owner must be aware of the normal body temperature of your pet. The body temperature of a healthy cat Organism furry pets, as well as other animal organisms on our planet, it has a normal body temperature at which all the vital processes take place in a normal mode. For the maintenance of optimal body…

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Scottish Straight

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 Ckottish-Straight photo1 Breed Characteristics2 Highland straights3 Description4 Character5 Care6 cost Scottish Straight - breed Scottish pryamouhih cats. This cat breed is relatively young. It was officially registered only in 1964. Initially, the cats of this breed called Scottish shorthair. The first breeders have been Scottish farmers William and Mary Ross, who found that when crossed individuals of this breed with each other lead to abnormalities in their skeletal system. This breed forbids divorce, that does not lead to mutations. But the breed, as it turns out, may well exist as an independent. Ckottish-Straight photo Characteristics of the breed Scottish pryamouhie cat looks very similar to the British. They, like the British cats peculiar calm…

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Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Intelligence2 Character3 Care Significantly the origins breed Chartreux nobody knows. According to one legend, these pets were beaten imported from Syria during the Crusades. Its name to this ancient breed is obliged first monastic monastery Grande Chartreuse. Another property of the monastery was famous throughout Europe liquor. However, there is another version of the name Chartreux breed. In France, near the town of Chartres is Mount Gray Cats. It is here that have long lived cats, famous for its elegant gray-blue wool. Blue-gray cat Chartreux not rarely mentioned by medieval poets and writers since 1558. The Louvre has a great painting of Mademoiselle Guke with Chartreux cat. These cats are very popular among the aristocracy XVII - XIX centuries. The owners of these…

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Sinuloks - medication for cats

Health of cats

Content1 Pharmacological properties Sinuloksa for cats2 Indications3 Dosing4 Side effects5 Contraindications6 Storage Conditions Among the large number of medicines used cat lover, Sinuloks drug for cats is of particular importance. He has a wide range of activities and is an antibiotic of the penicillin group. The presence of flavorings in medicine facilitates its use for animals. This drug is produced in the form of tablets or suspensions for subcutaneous administration. Tablets manufactured according to 50 or 250 grams. The tablet shape is round, the color pink. On one side of the tablet is the separation groove, the other - the name of the drug. Each blister 10 is located to the tablets. Pharmacological properties Sinuloksa for cats The main constituent of the drug is amoxicillin,…

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Singapura cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 History2 Description of species3 Character4 Care5 cost Singapura cat or Singapore - an unusual breed of cats, natural oriental origin. However, it is formed through the efforts of American breeders. The distinctive features of Singapore - an unusual look and amazing character. This species belongs to the smallest breeds of cats: adult cat weighing up to 3 kg and cats - 2 kg, and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Cats of this breed are very graceful and full of life. Singapore cats can be only one color - «sepia agouti" is creamy golden color with brown ticking on his back, tail and head. Delightful large eyes Singapore cats definitely attract the attention of all who had the opportunity to see this breed of cats. These cats are very pleasant to stroke, as silky…

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Breeds of cats

Content1 History of the breed1.1 Serengeti cat photo2 Exterior Features Serengeti3 Character4 Care Serengeti cat breed was created specifically to get a pet with the appearance of an African serval. However, in the breeding of this breed wild serval themselves have not been used. History of breed In 1994, American breeder Karen Sauzmen set a goal to bring the breed of domestic cats whose appearance is similar to the appearance of an African serval. However, she decided not to use in the work of the wild cat. As a result, the breed is the result of cross-breeding has produced varieties of domestic cats such as Bengali, Orientals and Abyssinian cats. During the experiments, were used and less well-known species. His name Serengeti cats are required to Savannah, located in Africa. It is…

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Turkish Angora

Breeds of cats

Content1 Description of species1.1 2 History of the breed3 The nature of the Turkish Angora cats4 Caring for the Turkish Angora Cats Turkish Angora breed known for their fluffy snow-white hair and a gorgeous lush tail. But sometimes there are pure black in color of these magnificent cats. Some representatives of this breed have a different eye color, while others have a bright blue irises. Description of species These cats have loose medium hair length. Undercoat they do not. On the tail, on the neck. On the "shirt-front" and "pants" hair is the longest. This is not a large breed cats: weight of an adult is rarely more than 5 kg. Considered a classic snow-white Turkish Angora. But in fact, there are also black, blue, marble, brown and other colors of this…

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Ukrainian levkoy

Breeds of cats

Content1 Description of species2 Character3 Care4 Health5 cost Ukrainian Levkoy - Fold is a breed of cat with a lack of hair. As is clear from the title, this breed is originally from Ukraine. There was this breed by crossing the breed Sphynx cats and Scottish Fold. From Don Sphynx hairless Levkoy acquired, and by Scottish Fold - fold. The second part of the name - Levkoy - came from the same flower, which is reminiscent of the shape of the ears of the animal. But also by the type of cat's ears are different: they have folds hanging, while straights - standing straight. First Ukrainian levkoy was born as recently as 2004. By 2010 there were more than a thousand cats of this breed. Breeding the breed it was originally engaged felinologist Biryukova Elena, founded the nursery «Ladacats»…

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Tonkinese cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 History2 Intelligence3 Character4 Care Tonkinese cat appeared relatively recently by crossing the Siamese and Burmese cat breeds. The result was a very affectionate cat with silky hair and eyes the color of aquamarine. Tonkinese cat breed has collected in itself the best of the Asian breeds: These cats are very loyal, and loved-have telepathic abilities. History The breed has been actively developed in Canada in the 60s of the last century. However, it appeared long before that. About Tonkinese cat is mentioned in legends and tribal books that existed many centuries before. A cross between a Siamese and Burmese cats was particularly popular among the ruling elite. For the first time in Europe, this breed has appeared in the late 19th century. England at that time Asian cats…

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Siamese cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 History of the Siamese1.1 2 Description of species3 The independent nature of Siamese4 Features of the care and upbringing5 Fun Facts Stubborn and obstinate, independent, with a very distinctive color and incredibly beautiful bright blue eyes, the representatives of this breed of cats has long captivated fans of cats from around the world. The history of occurrence of Siamese The birthplace of these cats - Siam (now Thailand). There's this blue-eyed beasts without reason considered sacred, revered as patrons of churches and are protected by law - cats of this breed is truly amazing creatures. They have long lived in the royal family and had been part of rituals. In the 19th century, several cats Siamese breed was brought to Europe, specifically in Britain, along with the…

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Change teeth kitten

Health of cats

Cats, like most mammals living on our planet, are born into the world completely toothless. The first incisors in newborn kittens appear after the first two weeks of life. Upon reaching the age of eleven weeks, the kids have a whole set of milk teeth.  replacement of teeth Many owners of furry pets are wondering when the kittens are changing teeth? Generally, the teeth of cats are changing during the first five months of life. The first change incisors, canines after them, and completes the process change molars and premolars. Toddlers There are twenty-six milk teeth appearing for four weeks. Canines are changing for four weeks, and premolars change process can take up to eight weeks. Usually teeth change from milk to those who are in the cat until the end of her life begins in…

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Scottish Fold

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Kinds of colors2 Description3 Character4 Care5 Meals6 Dilution7 Diseases8 cost Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold - a short-haired breed of cat with a characteristic structure of the ears, which are slightly bent down. This unusual structure of the ears is a result of genetic mutation. Homeland lop-eared breeds of cats - Scotland. Cats such rocks may be of 2 types: Scottish-fold and Scottish-straights. Differences between Scottish-Straight, and Scottish-fold only in the fact that the standard Straight ears, standing forms, and in fold the tabs are bent downwards. The life span of cats Scottish-fold from 12 to 18 years. kinds of colors Colors can be divided into several parts: plain, always very rich and bright, they are black or white colors. bleached,…

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Somali cat

Breeds of cats

Somali cat breed belongs to the long-haired. This breed originated from the Abyssinian breed of cats. Abyssinian cats are very often appeared at a dilution of other long-haired breeds, but in 1900, they were removed as the manufacturers. Fortunately, in 1965, everything changed. American breeder Mrs. Matthew decided to use cunning to save the kittens of this breed. Unlike its predecessors, it was able to protect Abyssinia from the onslaught of enemies and led several Abyssinian kittens. Together with a colleague from Canada, he brought a new breed, calling it "Somalia". Already by 1972, the club was established Somali cats, who conquered all of America. Today, this breed is known worldwide and is independent. Properties of this breed are in a sufficiently long hair which arises due…

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Breeds of cats

Content1 The story of the rock1.1 2 Appearance3 Features of the nature and conditions of detention4 Interesting facts about the breed Elegant, lovely, incredibly beautiful and wonderfully clever, Thai cats have devotion, comparable only to that of a dog. They are often confused with the Siamese, and the element of truth in this is still there (below will explain why), but the differences are significant - both in appearance and in character. The story of the rock In fact, the Thai - this is the most real Siamese. In the form in which saw the Siamese Europeans in the 19th century. Several individuals as gifts then handed to the British Ambassador King of Siam (now Thailand, where, in fact, and is the name of both breeds). But breeders - felinologists UK who passionately loved Siamese,…

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Turetskiy van

Breeds of cats

Content0.1 1 Description2 Character3 Care Turetskiy Van is a native breed and is considered one of the oldest in the world. Unlike other cats, Turetskiy Van love the water - this is one of the characteristics of this species. Its popularity, the breed owes journalist and writer Laura Lushington, which in 1955 was in Turkey to describe the culture of this country. Once on the bank of the river Laura saw beautiful cats that swam in the shallows. While it was accepted that cats are afraid of water, so Laura shocked the behavior of these animals. Turkish Vanir belonged to local residents, who gave Laura a couple of kittens. In the autumn of the same year the breed was in the UK, but many generations, the pair did not produce, so Laura again returned to the shores of Lake Van, and brought…

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Stronghold - a drug for cats

Health of cats

Content1   Indications2   Dosage and application3   Pharmacological properties4   Contraindications5   Cautions Virtually every pet owner familiar with the problem of infection with various parasites of their favorites. A walk in the woods or the park, contact with other animals, including the homeless, on the streets can cause unwanted guests in the body of your pet. However, pharmaceutical science does not stand still, and developing increasingly sophisticated products designed for pest control. One such innovative drugs antiparasitic drug Stronghold is based on the active substance selamectin.   testimony Stronghold assigned cats for removing fleas and prevent their recurrence in the body of the animal for 30 days…

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Whether it is necessary to clean the kitten's ears

Health of cats

Currently, there is no consensus on the issue among pet owners and veterinarians: whether to continuously clean the ears domestic cat? Some experts agree that a cat's ears should be cleaned regularly, as this directly affects the health and wellbeing of your pet. There is also the opposite of the view taken by many veterinarians and cat lovers. This group believes that the constant clean cat ears harms the health of the animal, as a result, it disrupts the natural microflora of this important body, which in turn leads to various infections and diseases. Each side cites numerous reasons supporting a supported point of view. Disputes in this regard can continue indefinitely. However, all the experts, and the owners of domestic cats agree that there are situations in which the ear…

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How many years live cat

Articles about cats

More recently, your home favorite was very young tiny a ball of wool. But for the time inexorably and now your cat has already grown into a real stately beauty. And if you are really loving and caring owner, you've probably already thought on the subject, how many of your favorite of years in human terms, and approximately how much time she devoted to our world. It should address the question in more detail, how many live domestic cats, with due care for them. The life span of pet cats Into the Wild, representatives of small cat live a relatively short time - about 5 - 7 years. Roughly the same amount of time you have and stray cats. This situation is due to the fact that these animals unfavorable living conditions. Their food is not regularly and not always enough, they are not…