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The consequences of the cat bite

Articles about cats

We all know that domestic cats are creatures that have natural beauty and charm. But too often we forget that our furry pets especially animals, with predators. Nature endowed them a means of defense and attack - tooth and nail. Even the most friendly cat, who lived in your home for several years, could suddenly use this tool. Many people notice that the cat bites and scratches very badly heal and leave behind scars for life.  bites In fact, cat bites are much more serious than is generally assumed. They are quite different from the damage that is applied to bites from other animals, such as dogs. The fact that the cat's teeth are very sharp and thin. They leave small, for mercy, puncture wounds, which often have more depth and the closed nature. Contained in the oral cavity and…

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Breeds of cats

Content0.1 Regdoll photo1 Description2 Types of colors3 Character4 Care and Health5 Purchase regdalla Ragdoll - stunning, gorgeous cats with matchless looks and superb temperament. Everyone who has ever had to deal with these marvelous creatures, will be amazed by the splendor of their once and for all. The history of this breed of cats has its origins in the early 60-ies in the United States. It is believed that the ancestors of the Ragdoll - this Persian Angora cat and a Burmese cat. Immediate breeder breed is a resident of California, Enn Beyker. Complaisant breeding these cats helped by volunteers after being hit an amazing character and affectionate disposition of this breed. Translated name of the breed Ragdoll means "rag doll". It is a large breed of cat, late maturing and…

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The origin of the domestic cat

Articles about cats

Content1 Origin2 Spread over the world3 Current state4 General characteristics Origin Domestic cats are mammals that are, to an extensive felines. Experts suggest that modern domestic cats are descended from the wild Libyan (steppe) cat habitat that come to the territory of the whole of Asia and the Mediterranean. This is confirmed by well-preserved and discovered by archaeologists in Egyptian wall paintings of domestic cats that have their external features reminiscent of the Libyan (steppe) cat. It is believed that domestication of these wonderful animals there were at least five thousand years ago in ancient Egypt. While domestic cats fulfilled the function of rodent control, port extensive cereal crops in the flood plain of the Nile. An interesting fact is that in all the…

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Selkirk Rex

Breeds of cats

Content1 The history of the breed2 Exterior features2.1 3 Character and behaviors4 Care5 Health The history of occurrence of breed The history of the emergence of this remarkable breed is very unusual. Its beginning was from the moment when the United States ordinary stray cat was crossed with Persian. After obtaining a progeny plant breeders have discovered unusual kitten. He had curly fur were curled mustache and eyebrows even in a spiral. Specialists of all necessary manipulations resulted in the breed was fixed were conducted. In her becoming involved various breeds, including the British and the Persians. So Selkirk Rex took each of them special features. Officially, the breed was its name until 1992. This young, rapidly growing species, the demand for which every year is greatly…

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Russian Blue Cat

Breeds of cats

Content1 History of1.1 2 Description3 Character4 Training5 Care Russian blue cat - is a very common breed of cat in the world. It is no coincidence, because inherent in it genuine grace and intelligence, as well as the dedication and loyalty. The first official mention of this breed date from the middle of the XIX century. The birthplace of Russian blue cat is considered to Arkhangelsk, only the popularity it has gained in England. They were brought to the UK exquisite cat gray-blue color sailors. Both in Russia and in England the cats of this breed is attributed mystical properties, they considered them a magic talisman. The history of occurrence Cats elegant gray-blue color are considered indigenous Russian breed of cats. For a long time between researchers felinologist ongoing…

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The process of habituation to the tray kitten

Articles about cats

Many kittens sellers during intercourse say that their animals are already accustomed to the tray. However, in practice this is not always the case. After the baby comes into your home, he again and again with their physical needs in the wrong place. In order to understand how to train a kitten to the tray, you will need patience, love and desire. rules accustom • Make it so that the kitten could not move independently over the entire area of your home. Let the kid will always be on your mind. So you will be able to better control his behavior. • Do not use brute force. Periodically plant the animal in the chute, to baby I met with this element life and gradually getting used to it. • try to treat the baby on the tray after waking up and eating. • If a kitten can not…

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Cancer in cats: diagnosis and treatment

Health of cats

Content1 What is cancer?2 Is Contagious cancer in cats?3 Factors provoking disease.4 Symptoms and variations of the disease.5 Treatment and Diagnosis Oncology is a disease that affects cats much less frequently than dogs. However, almost all the education in the cat's body cancerous. Cancer in a cat - is a serious disease often leading to death. This pathology requires a long and serious treatment under the supervision of a specialist. What is cancer? This disease is a disruption of the operation of the DNA molecules. These molecules are found in every cell of the body and are responsible for keeping information on all procedures performed by each cell. Cancer begins with a small number of cells, the DNA molecules are given crash. They begin to uncontrollably divide, change their…

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Russian cats

Articles about cats

Historically, the spread of cats in the territories in which subsequently stretched Russian state, occurred simultaneously with the development of these lands of the eastern Slavs tribes. Even before the adoption of Christianity cats occupy an important place in Slavic culture. Furry cat was a sacred animal and faithful companion of one of the main gods of the pantheon of pagan Slavs - God Veles. It was believed that the furry pets have been the guardians of the hearth, and also acted as guides to the underworld. Cats often acted as fairy tales and legends of the characters. Known character C?te Baiyun could compose himself tales, I had a strong, audible for seven versts, voice, using their songs could charm the hapless traveler to death or cure ailments. (adsbygoogle =…

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The drug Tylosin for cats

Health of cats

Unfortunately, our four-legged friends occasionally unwell. Of particular difficulty is not self treatment, and diagnosis of disease. Since cat does not describe to you the cause of his ailment and the symptoms themselves can be very difficult to recognize. Therefore, if your fluffy darling ill, should seek professional help. Tylosin for cats is used for treating diseases caused by mycoplasma and bacteria. Also, the medicament can be used for prevention and treatment of viral and infectious diseases. Tylosin is used to treat not only cats but also many other animals. Tylosin preparation is produced in a glass container at 20, 50 and 100 ml of a clear, viscous liquid. Used as the active drug injection and is unique. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||…

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Ringer - medication for cats

Health of cats

Content1 Release form and composition2 Pharmacology3 Indications4 Contraindications5 Dosing6 Side effects7 Storage Ringer's solution is a very popular drug that is used, if necessary, to correct electrolyte balance of the body of the cat. This medicine stops during intoxication and replenishes the fluid level. Basically Ringer solution for cats is used in various shock conditions, collapse, acute poisoning, peritonitis occurring intestinal infections, intestinal obstruction, burns and other disease states of the body, which are characterized by a large loss of liquid. Release form and composition Ringer's solution for cats is available in glass vials, volume two hundred and four hundred milliliters, and soft packs for medicine droppers, volume five hundred milliliters. The…

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ProPlan - cat food

Articles about cats

"ProPlan" - is fodder for premium cat having its veterinary line. He is represented by three types of fodder: dry food for healthy cats, canned food and medicated feed. "ProPlan" refers to the balanced feed, which means that when feeding your pet this food only, it does not require any additional additives. When transferring the animal on dry food, you should really forget about any supplements allegedly enliven the diet cats, unless they are recommended to the vet. premium pet food does not require any add-ons. When the protein content of 40% of this food is ideal for healthy cats. This may be a bust for the sick or neutered cats, then you should pick up the food for them. "ProPlan" is also suitable for kittens. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||…

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Breeds of cats

Content1 How did the breed1.1 2 The most expensive breed of cats3 Appearance Savanna4 The nature of the content and features of cats5 Fun Facts Savannah - amazingly beautiful and graceful cat are among the largest domestic breeds and thus the most expensive. How did the breed People have always admired the unique grace of wild cats. But this house such a beauty not zavedesh because the owner at risk of becoming dinner for a pet, unless, of course, is not a professional trainer. But factory owners and breeders for a long time to attempt to bring the breed that looks like a wild cat, but with character, inherent in their home counterparts. Another reason for the withdrawal was the desire to protect wild species of representatives from unqualified "domestication" wealthy, Exciting in…

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The most expensive cat

Articles about cats

Content1 Russian Blue2 Serengeti3 Toyger4 American Curl5 Elf6 Safari7 Bengal8 Khao Mani9 Ceausu10 Savannah Currently it is very difficult to imagine life without the furry pets. These cute creatures firmly settled in the hearts and souls of millions of people around the world. In this case, there are many different breeds of cats, each with its own character and features. Anyone can find the animal that will fit him in character and behavior. Many people do not much bother, cat what breed to have in their home, while some need to have a particular animal. Thus the cost of the cat is not a stopping factor. Today, there are several breeds of cats in the world, the cost of which is fairly large. We present our ranking of these rocks. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||…

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Colds are a cat

Health of cats

Content1 The causes of colds in cats2 Symptoms of colds in cats3 Treatment of colds in cats4 Possible complications Not only are people prone to various infections and viruses. Unfortunately, pets are also susceptible to diseases. The problem for owners is a lack of understanding of the causes and nature of the pet's disease. Therefore, many of them any discomfort animal explain the common cold, considering that it is not dangerous and will pass by itself. Although she is not fatal for a cat, but still carries a major risk. The causes of colds in cats As a rule, representatives of colds felines rarely suffer due to the fact that their immune system copes with any virus attack. Nevertheless, there are some situations in which pet immunity is weakened and loses its protective properties.…

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Deksafort drug for cats

Health of cats

Like other pets, cats are not immune to the disease. In such cases often have to resort to help of medications. If you have any cats in the body of any inflammation, veterinarians often prescribe a medicine to treat this as a Deksafort. It is used not only for cats, but also for a lot of other animals. It is available as a suspension for injection white color in a stoppered glass vials. Deksafort for cats - one of the most effective drugs for animals, and this has earned its popularity. instruction Deksafort for cats is made on the basis of a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. Thanks to him, the body is able to fight with the cat inflammation, swelling, and causes a calming effect. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Deksafort for cats…

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The largest cat breeds

Articles about cats

Cats are the most common pets. According to unofficial data, in the world there are about 600 million pet cats, belonging to one of the 256 species, from fluffy Persians to completely hairless Sphynx. Most people, after all, tends to be normal-sized cats, in the recent past, even was the fashion for miniature cats and dogs, but few people can grow, nurture and feed the animal really large sizes. At the moment, the biggest domestic cat in the world is an American breed of cats - Maine Coon. In this case, the word "large" means exactly, how big is the size of cats. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If we compare the cats on height at the withers, the record will be for the other, a very famous rock, quite different from the Maine Coon - Savannah. The…

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Ragamuffin cat

Breeds of cats

Ragamuffin cat first appeared in the 90s of the twentieth century in the United States. The breed originated in consequence of selection when trying to bring a new type of Ragdoll breed. breed name translated to English means "beggar". This name these cats received because during the selection of mere street cats used in the creation of this breed. ragamuffin cat for the first time took part in the exhibition in 1994. However, official recognition of ragamuffin cat received only in 2003. Their relatives Ragdoll ragamuffin cat differ only in color. Character and demeanor they are identical. Appearance Ragamuffin cat cat breed is very fluffy. They are characterized by a thick, soft and long coat. Head shape of these cats wedge and wide. Cats themselves are quite large. The body of cats…

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The rarest breeds of cats in the world

Breeds of cats

Content1 Munchkin2 Serengeti3 Caracal4 Toyger5 Cat Elf6 Cat Usher7 The rarest breed of cat in the world Many breeders in different countries define the aim of their professional activities excretion unique cat breed, the offspring of unions getting wild and domestic cats. This activity is dictated by the fact that people in this world to want to have unique things, even if those things cost a lot of money. Rare breeds of cats may include those that record included in the Red Book and the breeds that have emerged only recently. It is known that in the world there are malorasprostranonnye breed living in the wild, as well as living with a man. Currently, the Red Book contains records of many endangered species of the cat family, including the Amur leopard, the Amur tiger. Unfortunately…

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Why do cats exfoliate nails

Health of cats

Content1 Height claws2 Why cats claws3 main reasons bundle4 How to deal with it In order to effectively deal with the bundle of the cat's claws, you must understand the reason why this is happening. First of all you must understand that when your cat's nails exfoliate, it is most likely a normal natural phenomenon and it is not necessary to raise a panic about this. However, there are cases where this phenomenon could indicate health problems. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The growth of the claws It is known that all domestic cats have the ability to retract the claws. So when the cat's claws are particles of dead surfaces, pet begins to feel discomfort when retracting claws. Just for this reason that a pet may begin to sharpen claws on your…

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Psychology and behaviors of cats

Articles about cats

Content1 I - cat2  Experience3  Heredity4  Early age5  Parenting Plunging into the amazing world of cats, studying psychology and behavior of these wonderful animals man suddenly discovers a universe filled with violent passions, cunning, a whole range of different experiences. Often unusual cat behavior, her demeanor and react to different situations causes host to smash his head on the causes of a particular act furry pet. In fact, the spectrum of relations cats to the outside world it is influenced by a huge number of factors that affect the behavior of the animal line in any given situation. Wrong will argue that the psychology and behavior of cats is formed depending on education, inheritance, life experiences or moods, are also important, and other factors,…